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A Selective Reader from Reader’s Digest 美国《读者文摘》杂志精华文章选读 范咏涛 选编 2008级2011年暑假阅读材料 (英语外管系08级电商1、2、3班;国新3班) 基本要求: 认真阅读文章,所有的生词都要查词典,弄清词义; 体会文章的思想观点和情感; 用英文写一篇读后感。 1. A Message rom President Clinton 【导读】 以下是美国总统克林顿1997年为《读者文摘》创刊75周年写给杂志的贺信。文章首先谈到创办杂志的宗旨,然后指出杂志75年来取得的巨大成就,最后又对杂志的未来寄予希望。全文仅236字,结构完整清晰,行文自然流畅,是我们学习英文应用文写作的最佳范例。 I am honored to contribute to the 75th anniversary of Reader’s Digest, perhaps the world’s best-known — and best- loved — magazine. Seventy-five years ago DeWitt Wallace founded Reader’s Digest with very little money but a million-dollar idea: to bring together under one cover the best articles from a wide range of magazines. He wanted to give all Americans the information they needed to get ahead in the world ... and ideas to satisfy their desire for knowledge. Wallace did not underestimate that desire; before too long, Reader’s Digest could be found in countless American homes and offices. Since then, it has set a standard of excellence in journalism, informing its readers about everything from the perils of tobacco to the importance of efficient government. Like many Americans, I have enjoyed the thought-provoking and amusing articles in Reader’s Digest. But as familiar as I am with it, I was still surprised to learn that it reaches 100 million people all over the world every year in 48 editions and 19 different languages. That is a remarkable achievement, not only in publishing, but in human relations! As we approach the 21st century, I am certain that Reader’s Digest will continue to inform and entertain people around the world. I congratulate Reader’s Digest on 75 years of dedicated and inspired journalism. And to those who follow in DeWitt Wallace’s footsteps, I wish you much continued success in the years to come. B Bill Clinton (Feb. 1997) 2. Going Home By Pete Hamill 【导读】 《回家》是美国现代文化史上一篇重要文章,它首先出现在1971年10月14日《纽约邮报》上,然后由《读者文摘》1972年1月号转载。不久,两位流行歌曲作者根据文章中的故事创作了歌曲《在老橡树上系上一根黄丝带》(Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree)。此歌于1973年登上美


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