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读一读,找出划线部分读音不同的一项 A. let B. school C. noodles A. library B. play C. little A. vegetable B. cool C. leg A. world B. like C. black ☆:一星级:听录音,跟读chant部分单词; ☆☆:二星级:会读本部分所有含le的单词; ☆☆☆:三星级:自己总结含le的单词,能自己认读。 (你可以根据自己的实际情况任选一个做) * * Unit 5 My clothes Part A Let’s spell 小学英语(PEP)四年级下册 le 发音/l/ 发音要领:/l/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动,舌身向上弓起,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,让气流从舌的两侧通过,属舌侧音。 知识详解 like let library play black Can you read?你会读吗? an apple a little apple a little little apple Apple, apple, a little little apple. Table, table, a big big table. a table a big table a big big table people people People, people, nice nice people. The see the . The see the . The table is big. The apple is little. The little apple on the big table. The little apple is on the big table. The people see the apple. The people see the table. The table is big. The apple is little. apple le little people table What’s the same?找规律 /l/ 在单词apple, people,little, table中都有字母组合le且都发音/l/。链接视频le发音 发音要点: 舌尖抵住上齿龈,后舌隆起,舌的中部凹下,气流从舌两旁的空隙处传出。 (单击图片,播放动画) t le p b tle ble ple /l/ -le le ? Play a game! 拼“词”游戏 d g t c b p z dle gle tle cle ble ple zle tle ble cle ple ple ple ap apple pur purple tle lit little bat battle ble ta table cle cir circle little people table vegetable bottle Read aloud. little people table Uncle twinkle bicycle handle title single settle Tips: 1.Read by yourself. 自己先读。 2.Read in four.四人小组读一读。 If you can’t , please ask your friends or your teacher. 不会的可以问同学或老师。 Other words school help cool world cold till l =le leg let led left lens uncle people table apple uncle play school world like help cool (单击图片,播放动画) Read underline and listen. (单击图片,播放动画) Look listen and write. Let’s read together! Uncle Li has a smile on his face. Uncle Li has an apple in his hand and a smile on his face. Uncle Li has an apple in his hand,a table on his head and a smile on his face. Uncle Da


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