
Adjacency Pairs 相邻语对.ppt

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Adjacency Pairs 相邻语对

Adjacency Pairs (相邻语对) Conversation Anna-Brita Stenstrom defines conversation as a social activity involving two or more participants who talk about something (Stenstrom,1994). Saks defines it as a string of at least two turns; or in other words, conversation is a sequence of utterances between two interlocutors (Coulthard, 1985). Conversation means an activity where two or more people are talking something with each other for the purpose of socializing with others. Conversation is usually preceded in an organized manner. An utterances produced by a certain speaker has to be responded by another utterance from another speaker. Consequently, a proper conversational organization or structure will be created. Definition Tsui defines adjacency pairs as a class of sequences of turns in which an utterance made by one speaker is responded by another utterance from another speaker Adjacency pairs one of the most important parts in conversation analysis in which an utterance made by one speaker responded by another utterance from another speaker (Coulthard, 1985) 姜望琪(2003:221)认为,相邻语对是日常会话中的一种普遍现象。“有问有答”、“你有来言,我有去语”是说话人和听话人之间共同遵守的一条普遍规律. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics. Two successive utterances by different speakers, where the second is of a type required or expected by the first. E.g. a question followed by an answer; a greeting followed by a greeting in return. . Examples 1. A: Hi, good morning → (Greeting) First pair part adjacency pairs B: Morning → (Greeting) Second pair part 2. X: Have you done your homework? → (Question) First pair part adjacency pairs Y: Of course. → (Answer) Second pair part 3. A: Bill? → (attention) First pair part


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