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CUEB-OCC EC112/Y02 Final Exam PresentationGroup 7 :Liu DanRong (32013140111) Hao JingXin(32013140133) Yang XiaoBo (32013140183) KAZAKH(?аза? ) Ethnic GroupTable of Contents1. Location Map Of The Kazakh Ethnic Group 2. Introduction/History /Population3. Traditional Language (Written/Oral)4. Traditional Clothing5. Holidays Ceremony6. Foods7. Religion (Islam and Muslim)8. Architecture9. Music, Dance EntertainmentLiu Dan RongHao Jing XinYang Xiao BoIn 1936, after Sheng Shicai expelled 30,000 Kazakhs from Xinjiang to Qinghai 1a) China Location Map 2b) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region MapKazakhs’ forefathers are documentedThe Golden HordeStarted moving into China1456200 BC1600now194419491300Participated inThe warThe Kazakh KhanateThe Kazakhs forefathers 2a) Historical TimelineIn the Kazakh ethnic origin legend, there is a story of the White SwanWhite Geese2b) Symbol of KazakhRace: Turanid Race(mixed?race ) Skin is little brown roman noses high cheekbonesPersonality: Typical Hordes enthusiasm Hospitable Characteristics of IslamReputation: The only Ethnic Group in the world is not a beggar2c) Introduction2d) Introduction – Kazakhs PopulationUnit: ThousandsThe Chinese Kazakh ethnic oral language is different from written language. This difference is mainly for the corresponding speech sound.3a) Traditional Language - Written1、a member of the Turkic language familyAdhesion language2、Vowel phonemes:9: front vowel:5; back vowel:4 Consonant phonemes:24: voiceless consonant:10; voiced consonant:143、The vocabulary of animal husbandry is especially abundant., fairly detailed distinguish, and with distinctive national features.3b) Introduction - Written3C) Sample Kazakhs Words vs English????? ????English??????? ??? ?????????? hello???? ????goodbye??????????livestock????? ?????Oral speak?????? ????FestivalFrom :/Default.aspx?ln=ar4) Tradition Clothing – Daily Wearwaistcoat4. Tradition Clothing - Daily4) Tradition Clothing – Daily WearWinter’s clothes5a) Festivals/Holidays


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