冀教版六年级上册英语lesson29 Christmascards.ppt

冀教版六年级上册英语lesson29 Christmascards.ppt

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冀教版六年级上册英语lesson29 Christmascards

walk----walked eat ------ate bring------brought 1.Danny often (walk) to school. 2. Yesterday Danny (walk) to school. 3. Tomorrow Danny (walk) to school. 1.I often (bring) lingts for the Chtistmas tree. 2. Yesterday I (bring) a Chtistmas tree to school. 3. Tomorrow I (bring) a star for the tree. 1.Jenny often (eat) to toast and jam. 2. Yesterday Jenny (eat) cereal for bteakfast. 3. Tomorrow Jenny (eat) to school. 重点句型及动词词组 get ready for +名词 为······做好准备 I get ready for the party. help s.b with s.th 在某方面帮助某人 she often helps me with my English. put up 装点、装扮 Let’s put up the Christmas tree. * * is a holiday Christmas is a holiday special Western Christmas gifts 圣诞礼物 圣诞树 Christmas tree This is a Christmas tree It’s so beautiful Santa 圣诞老人 This is_______. Who is he? He is a merry man ____ red clothes. Children say he ____ toys on Christmas. I am Santa Santa in brings Topic: What do people do on Christmas? What do people say on Christmas? What is the date today? It is December twenty-fourth. What was the date yesterday? Yesterday was December twenty-third. What is the date tomorrow? Tomorrow is December twenty-fifth. Tomorrow we are going to have a party. 一般将来时 一、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。 二、基本结构:①be going to + do; ②will+ do. walks is going to walk walked bring brought am going to bring eats ate is going to eat Tomorrow Danny is going to………………. ski on the snow Tomorrow ,I am going to …… Tomorrow_________________ Yesterday___________ Jenny often ____________. Jenny is going to eat cereal . Jenny ate cereal . eats cereal Yesterday,Danny went to school by bus. Danny often __________


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