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介 词 四.介词常见的搭配关系 介词起着广泛的联系词语的作用,能和不同的词语搭配,表示不同的意义。名词、动词、形容词等都与介词形成了许多的固定搭配并有不同的含义,学习时要注意在什么情况下用什么介词,并把这些固定搭配作为整体来记忆和使用。 1.介词与其他词类的搭配 类 别 说 明 例 句 与形容词的搭配 有些形容词有固定的介词搭配,并且有时不同的介词搭配形容词有不同的含义或介词后接不同的介词宾语 He was exceedingly fond of fishing. 他特别喜欢钓鱼。 Drivers exceeding the speed limit are liable to a fine. 超速行驶的司机易被罚款。 The man is blind of an eye. 那个男人瞎了一只眼。 Jack was blind to his own fault. 杰克没觉察到他自己的过失。 与名词的搭配 有些名词后有固定的介词搭配, He found a solution to the problem. 他找到了解决问题的方法。 There is no real difference between the two proposals. 这两个提议没有实质上的区别。 有些名词前有固定的介词搭配, You should be on guard against bad company. 你应该提防交错朋友。 To my delight, he passed the examination. 令我高兴的是他通过了考试。 与动词的搭配 动词 + 介词 Do you object to my going there? 你反对我去那儿吗? We should concentrate on our test. 我们应专心考试。 动词+宾语+介词 That school puts emphasis on arithmetic and reading. 那所学校强调算术和阅读。 They excluded him from the club. 他们拒绝他加入这个俱乐部。 动词+副词+介词 She broke in on my thoughts. 她打断了我的思绪。 Why didn’t you tell me at once, instead of holding out on me? 你为什么不马上告诉我,而要瞒着我? 动词 + 宾语 + 副词+ 介词 Please put the coat down to my account. 请把买大衣的钱记在我的帐上。 2.常见的与介词有搭配关系的词 类 别 介词 与介词搭配的例词 常见的介词与形容词的搭配 about anxious, careful, careless, certain, curious, enthusiastic, guilty, happy, mad, particular, sensitive, sure, worried at angry, bad, clever, disappointed, good, quick, skillful, useless, weak for ambitious, available, enough, fit, grateful, hungry, necessary, noted, ready, sorry, responsible, suitable, useless from absent, different, free, remote, exempt, inseparable, safe, tired in interested, rich, slow, successful, deficient, expert, quick, successful, weak of afraid, aware, capable, careful, careless, conscious, critical, fond, full, independent, jealous, proud, short, sure, suspicious, thoughtful characteristic, critical, envious, , impatient, independent, jealous, positive, scared, sensible, short, sick, suspicious, typical, worthy on dependent, hard, keen, intent to acceptable, agreeable,


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