国外上大学十九招做省钱达人 组图.doc

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国外上大学十九招做省钱达人 组图

国外上大学十九招做省钱达人 组图 国外上大学省钱十五招 The life of a college going student is arguably the most fun and experience filled one in a lifetime. Between classes, assignments, projects, sports, social gatherings, dating, the life of a student is a busy one. To add on to this, a student usually has to live on a tight budget. With very little free time in hand, it is hard to make time for a part time job for the extra cash. Here are 15 simple ways a college going student can save money and make sure his/her wallet doesn’t run out of those crisp green bills. 大学时代的生活无疑是一生中最开心的一段经历啦。上课、作业、项目、运动、社交、约会,学生时代真的非常繁忙。这些活动加起来,让学生的钱包总是会干瘪瘪的。加上少得可怜的空余时间,去打工赚点零花钱也十分困难。下面我们就看看穷学生省钱的15大妙招吧,学到这些,就能让你的钱包不会老是囊中羞涩。 1. Choose a good college 选个好学校 An in-state public university or a community college for studies can be a huge money saver. Without affecting your resumes and with guaranteed credits, this option determines the amount you can save through your college years. 选择公立的大学或社区大学真的能省一大笔钱。既对简历无碍,还能拿到需要的学分,这样的选择可以决定你大学时期能省出多少钱来。 2. Go for scholarships 拿奖学金 The most popular and easy way to make those extra dollars. Scholarships are given out by all the colleges in various categories such as excellence in a particular field, passion, athletic ability, etc. 这是赚钱的最好最简单的方法。奖学金会根据不同的种类进行发放,比如某项领域的突出表现,积极奖,运动表现等。 3. Get books for reduced rates 合理处理书籍 Try picking up textbooks from seniors or at a reduced rate and sell your books once you are done with your studies. 试着问学长学姐们借书吧,或是趁着打折的时候入手,这门课的学业完成之后再把书都卖掉。 4. Involve yourself 让自己忙起来 Take an active part in college events so that you refrain from spending money when you have free time. 不妨多参加下学校里面的活动,这样就算有时间你也没空去花钱啦。 5. Don’t overspend on dates 约会时别花太多 Don’t overspend on your dates. Keep it simple and uncomplicated. 在约会上别太奢侈。简单点,别搞得那么复杂。 6. Eat?smart?and limit those ‘extras’ 吃的健康,少买垃圾食品 Eat healthy food all the while and staying on a budget. Unhealthy food habits can lead to illness and eventually lead to more expenditure. Keep a tab on yourself when it comes to b


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