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1、a bad apple 坏蛋 A:Oh, my God! What happened? Why are you black and blue? B:I got beaten by Peter’s brother A:That’s a bad apple! Let’s think up a way and teach him a lesson 甲:噢,天哪!怎么啦?你身上怎么青一块紫一块的? 乙:彼得的弟弟把我给打了。 甲:这坏蛋,咱们来想个法来教训教训他。 2、a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人;占有有利条件却不会利用的人 A:Give the skates to me! B:You shut up! A:If you don’t know how to skate, why don’t you give the skates to me? Don’t be a dog in the manger. 甲:把冰鞋给我! 乙:你闭嘴! 甲:你若不知道怎么滑冰,干吗不把冰鞋给我?别占着茅坑不拉屎了! 3、a gay dog 快活的人 A:It’s strange they should get along so well! B:That’s nothing unusual. A:You don’t know much about the couple. One likes to be alone, but the other is a bit of a gay dog. 甲:他们居然能处得这么好,太奇怪了。 乙:没什么不寻常的。 甲:你不了解这俩口子,一个喜欢独处,另一个却喜欢热闹。 4、a hard nut 冥顽不化的人;无知无觉的人 A:Bob refused all his classmate’s invitations. B:I really couldn’t understand him. A:He’s surely a hard nut, nobody likes approaching him. B:We’d better also leave him alone. 甲:鲍勃拒绝了班上所有人的邀请。 乙:他这个人我真不明白。 甲:他真是个脑子不开窍的人,没人愿意靠近他。 乙:我们最好也别惹他。 5、a hen-pecked husband 妻管严;怕老婆的男人 A:Aunt is scolding uncle again. B:Don’t worry. Your uncle won’t utter a word back. A:I didn’t know my uncle is a hen-pecked husband B:He isn’t. He thinks it’s not necessary to quarrel with women. 甲:婶婶又在骂叔叔了。 乙:别着急,你叔叔不会还口的。 甲:我还不知道我叔叔是个妻管严。 乙:他不是。他觉得和女人吵架没必要。 6、big shot 要人 A:Do you know Mr. Smith? B:No, but I know of him. He’s a big shot in the local politics. A:I’m told he’s only a yes-man. B:Yes, I hate that. At present, what we want is a strong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man. 甲:你认识史密斯先生吗? 乙:不认识,但我知道这人,他在本地政界是个举足轻重的人物。 甲:我听说他是个和事佬。 乙:没错儿,我就恨这个。现在,我们要的是强有力的、有主见的领导人,可不是和事佬儿。 7、fat cat 大款 A:Where’re those popular actresses in our school time? B:Get into marriage. A:Can everyone find a fat cat? B:Everyone wants to, but not everyone succeeds. 甲:咱们上学时的那些女影星都哪去了? 乙:结婚了呗! 甲:人人都能找到大款吗? 乙:人人都想,可并不是人人都能找到。 8、bosom friends 知心朋友 A:Is Jack a friend of yours? B:Yes. He is one of my bosom friends. A:He’s a nice guy as far as I know B:You can be certain of that. 甲:杰克是你的朋友


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