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片 名:《天元崛起》 Soaring Tianyuan 片 头: 解说词Caption: (八年)风雨兼程,开拓进取,我们感怀这片钟灵毓秀、美丽富饶的土地; (八年)商海沉浮, 扬帆远航, 我们感恩这个铁骨铮铮,锐意进取的团队; (八年)他们披荆斩棘,直至巅峰。 With their forging forward despite winds and rains for the past eight years, we recall this well-endowed, beautiful and rich land with deep feelings; with their long voyage regardless of ups and downs in business over the past eight years, we are grateful for this courageous, aggressive and enterprising team; through eight years, they overcame all obstacles and reached the peak without any stop. 他们,就是扎根于宁夏杞乡大地的天元锰业人。他们用八年时间,在中国西部这片神奇的土地上,建起中国最大、亚洲最大、世界最大的电解锰生产基地,书写了一段又一段传奇,创造了一个又一个令全世界同行瞠目结舌的奇迹。 They are Tianyuan Manganese people who are deeply rooted in a land rich in Chinese wolfberry in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. On this miraculous land of western China, they spent eight years successfully building the largest manganese production base not only in China and Asia but also in the world. It is them who write these mysterious legends and create a number of miracles at which all the people of the same trade in the world are astonished. 正文 第一部分 企业发展史 Part one Corporate Development History 解说词Caption: 天下黄河富宁夏,中宁枸杞甲天下。这座美丽富饶、人杰地灵的塞上之城,不仅享有“中国枸杞之乡”的美誉,更因,产业集群明显,成为冶金重镇。历经艰辛却依然活力无限的宁夏天元锰业有限公司,就坐落在这片充满希望的热土上。 The Yellow River enriches Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Chinese Wolfberry from Zhongning county is the finest under heaven. This beautiful and rich city, nicknamed “Chinese wolfberry township”, was a north-frontier town and now has become a metallurgy town thanks to its distinct industrial clusters. Still full of vitality after undergoing various difficulties and hardships, Ningxia Tianyuan Manganese Company Limited is located on this piece of land filled with endless hope. 曾经的坎坷曲折,曾经的奋进拼搏对天元锰业人而言,历历在目。2003年6月,贾天将董事长以301万元竞拍收购了面临破产的中宁县化肥厂金属锰厂,并注册成立为宁夏天元锰业有限公司。成立之初,年产量不到1500吨。设备陈旧,工艺落后,生产成本居高不下,产品长期积压;生产运营入不敷出!面对这样的现状,面对巨大的责任和压力,贾天将董事长外出考察、调研、学习,高薪聘请行业专家,他坚信,只有对企业进行技术改造,规模扩建,才能谋生存谈


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