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SHIP ENGINEERING 船 舶 工 程 Vol.29 No.4 2007 总第 29 卷,2007 年第 4 期 基于PLC 的船舶主机遥控系统设计与实现 张桂臣,任 光 (大连海事大学 轮机工程学院,大连 1 16026 ) 摘 要:为了解决船舶主机无触点遥控系统出现的故障,分析了无触点主机遥控系统的特点, 给出了其故障解决方案,设计并实现了基于 S7-200PLC 的主机遥控系统.S7-200 主机遥控系统具备 自动停车、自动启动(重启动、重复启动 )、自动换向、自动制动、应急操纵、速度 PID 自整定调 节、死区控制、速度和负荷限制、安全保护等功能,在工程船和远洋船上得到了成功应用.结果表明, 应用 S7-200PLC 提高了主机遥控系统的可靠性、快速性和稳定性. 关键词:船舶;主机遥控;PLC;S7-200;自整定 PID;PWM 中图分类号:U664.82+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6982 (2007) 04-0065-04 Design and implementation of marine main engine remote control system based on PLC ZHANG Gui-chen, REN Guang (Marine Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China) Abstract: In order to solve the arisen trouble by the non contact remote control system of marine main engine, the pap er analyzes t he characteristics of the non contact remote control system,brings forward its trouble solving scheme, designs and impl ements a main engine remote control system based on S 7-200 PLC. S 7-200 main engine remote control system has the f unctions such as auto-stop, auto-starting(heavy starting, restarting), auto-reversing, auto-braking, emergency maneuvering, regulating speed of self -tuning PID, dead band control, speed limit and load limit, safety protection function and so on. The new system has been appl ied in the working ship s and ocean going ship s successfully. The results indicate that the app lication of S 7-200 PLC improves the reliability, rap idness and stability of the main engine remote control system. Key words: ship; main engine re


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