林徽因 英文.ppt

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林徽因 英文

You are the tender month of april 你是人间四月天 林徽因 On returning to China, Lin Huiyin started teaching architecture at Northeast University . Accompanying her husband to thousands of ancient Chinese architectural sites, most of which were in remote areas, she devoted her life to research into Chinas architectural history. From 1930 to 1945,they worked on more than 200 ancient buildings inChina.Thanks to their efforts,some sites’value was recognized in China and in the world,which helped a lot in our heritage protection. After Beijing was liberated, Tsinghua University engaged her as an architectur proffesor She accomlished her teaching and reserch work excellently. For that duration, she co-wrote many significant essays with her husband ,like the Development Stages of Chinese Architecture and City Design Outline. Besides,she also contributed to the design for Chinas National Emblem fromSEPE from1949 to June 1950 .Then she took part in the design of Hero of the Peoples Monument in Beijings Tiananmen Square in 1951.In the same year,she took part in the interior design of Zhongnanhai. You are the tender month of april 我说你是人间的四月天, I say, you are the tender month of april 笑音点亮了四面风;轻灵 your laughters dance in Aeoluss call 在春的光滟中交舞着变。 and swiftly change your steps in ripples of spring. 你是四月早天里的云烟, you are, leisurely clouds in the sky, roming, 黄昏吹着风的软,星子在 in murmurs of dusky air, and stars sparkle 无意中闪,细雨点洒在花前。 casually, when misty rain falls, upon flowers. 那轻,那娉婷,你是,鲜妍 so softly, so gently, and you, in these fairy hours 初放芽的绿,你是;柔嫩喜悦 shooting and proud, you are. Supple rejoice of seeing 水光浮动着你梦中期待的白莲。 the lotus flower upon the expanse of water shimmering. 你是一树一树的花开,是燕 You are blooming buds of trees, or a swift swallow 在梁间呢喃,--你是爱,是暖 whispering at my window, you are love, and mellow. 是诗的一篇,你是人间的四月天 a chapter of poetry, and tender april of mondialito.


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