饭店英语-3A General Introduction to.ppt

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饭店英语-3A General Introduction to

A General Introduction to Housekeeping Department Discuss Share Can you tell something about Housekeeping Department? Discuss and share your opinions Function: This department is instrumental in ensuring the cleanliness of the hotel and maintaining facilities in guestrooms offices and public areas to provide maximum guest satisfaction. The organization chart of Housekeeping Department in a hotel Reading comprehension Read the paragraph of “Introduction to Housekeeping Department’’. Tell the important of Housekeeping Department. Pay attention to some new words. Deluxe Hotels In The World Assignment The Ss are required to prepare?a report on housekeeping department and they can emphasis on any aspect of housekeeping they are interested in. Introduction 1. Check the room status 2. Check for a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign. Do not knock if a sign is on the door. 3. Announce presence. Knock firmly and say ‘Housekeeping’. Do not use a key to knock on the door. 4. Wait for a response. If you do not hear an answer, knock again and repeat ‘Housekeeping’. 5. Wait a second time for a response. If you still do not receive an answer open the door slightly and repeat ‘Housekeeping’. 6. If the guest is asleep or in the bathroom, leave quietly and close the door. 7. If the guest is awake but dressing, excuse yourself, leave, and close the door. 8. If the guest answers your knock, ask when you may clean the room. 9. In the room is unoccupied, position your cart in front of the door and leave the door open. Begin cleaning. 10. If the guest returns while you are cleaning, offer to finish later. Ask to see the guest’s room key to verify that the key and room numbers match. Words, Expressions and Sentences 1. Housekeeping.May I come in? 我是客房的,可以进来吗? 2. Would you like me to tidy up your room now? 我现在给您整理一下房间好不好? 3. I’m coming to change the sheets and pillowcase. 我来调换床单和枕套 4. What time would you like us to come back? 您要我们什么时间再来? 5. We’ll come and clean your


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