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, Fa ult A na lys is on Spur Gea r fo rW ind Turb ine Gene ra t ing Un it ( 疆大学电气工程学院, 疆 乌鲁木齐 830008) : , , , , : : TM 614 : A Abstract: In order to enh an ce the op eration re iab i ity o fw ind turb ine generating un it, th e fau t ch aracteristics o f h igh o i tem perature in gear box is reseach ed. The 3D f in ite e em entm ode o f spur gear tran sm ission for th erm a ana ysis has b een estab ish ed b ased on uti ization of heat transfer theory, friction th eory and gear m esh ing theory. By adopting infin ite e em entm ethod, the tem p erature distribution, th erm a distortion, and th erm a stress of th e spur gear driving under h igh o i tem p erature fau t state are ca cu ated. T he variation regu ation of tem p erature fie d and th erm a deform ation are ana yzed, and th e frequency and distortion of th e gear are ca cu ated. Th e der ived resu ts sh ow th e changes o f sh ape, disp acem ent and equ iva ent stress under norm a frequen cy and ab norm a frequ ency. Th e research resu t isw orth to be con su ted in fau t diagno sis of gear box in w ind turb ine generating un its. Keywords: W ind turb in e gen erating un it Spur gear dr ive T em perature fie d F requen cy Fau t diagnosis 0 1 , 1. 1 , , , [ 1] , , , ,


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