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第 卷第 期 船舶力学
6 3 VoI . 6 No . 3
2002 年 月
6 JournaI of Ship Mechanics Jun . 2002
: ( )
ArticIe ID l007 - 7294 2002 03 - 0062 - 07
Experiment Research of Stresses along the Junction Lines
Between the Superstructure and the Deck
l 2 l l
WU Wei - guo , DUAN Hong , PEI Zhi - yong , WENG Chang - j ian
( l Transportation CoIIege , Wuhan University of TechnoIogy , Wuhan 430063 , China ;
2 Wuhan Ship Design DeveIopment Institute , Wuhan 430063 , China )
Abstract : The stress condition is extremeIy compIicated at the junction between ship superstructure and
main huII .The abrupt change of the structuraI arrangement at the junction usuaIIy introduces high stress con-
centration . Furthermore , defects in structure design at this pIace wiII resuIt in the damage of ship structure ,
and jeopardize ship navigation . Considering the face that crack did happen aIong the junction of the super-
structure and the deck of some cruise ships , an experimentaI research work on a steeI modeI is presented in
this paper .The modeI was designed to satisfy the simiIitude principIes compared with the prototype structure
of an existing ship .The modeI has four types of the end structure .Through testing stress distribution by exert-
ing the same magnitude of bending moment on these four types of the end structure , the soIution with Iower
stress IeveI is chosen to improve the end structure of the ship .The navigation of improved