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酒水类型一览表 Generic Chart – Beverage Beers Discover of Beers: Barley harvested for breadmaking is left out in the rain; left out a few days longer to dry out in the sun, the barley becomes malted; this sweeter malted barley is itself used to make bread, whish is in turn allowed to get wet; as the sugars and starches in the bread dissolve, wild yeast in the air is blown into the mixture, and the fermentation process is underway. Basic Ingredients: Malt; hops; water; yeast Types of beers: Ale – the oldest beer style in the world. Produced by warm or top fermentation. Lager – the cold – conditioning of beer at around 0 degrees centigrade to encourage the yeast to settle out, increase carbonation and produce a smooth, clean tasting beer. Stout – an English generic term for the stongest beer in a brewery. Now considered a quintessentially Irish style. Weizen or Weisse – Wheat or white beer Pilsner / pils – International brand name for a light – colored lager. * * Beverage 酒水 Alcohol 酒精类 Non Alcohol 不含酒精类 Carbonated 汽泡类 Non Carbonated 静态类 Carbonated 汽泡类 Non Carbonated 静态类 Sparkling wines 汽泡酒 Champagne 香槟酒 Beers 啤酒 Pre – mixers 预调类 Red wine 红葡萄酒 White wines 白葡萄酒 Fortified wines 加强酒精葡萄酒 Aperitifs 开胃酒 Liqueurs 香甜酒 Still spirits 各类静态烈酒 Eau di vie “生命之水” Sodas 苏打 Carbonated mineral water 含汽矿泉水 Carbonated Juice 含汽果汁 Fruit Juice 果汁 Non carb mineral water 静态矿泉水 Distill water 蒸馏水 Tonics 运动饮料 Chinese liqueor 中国烈酒 Sake Shouchu 清酒/ 烧酒(韩国) 啤 酒 啤酒的发现: 无意中用来做面包的大麦被放在露天的条件下. 几天后在阳光和水的作用下变成了糊状物. 这种带甜味的大麦糊原本是用来做面包的,在阳光和水的作用下糖份和淀粉还有在自然条件中存在的天然酵母产生了发酵作用,产生了最早的啤酒. 四大基本原料: 麦子, 啤酒花, 纯净水, 人工或天然酵母 啤酒 啤酒的种类: Ale – 世界上最古老的啤酒品种. 使用暖或顶部发酵法制造. Ale – 在零摄氏度的条件下酵母自然停止活动, 口味顺滑,清爽. Stout – 在英国曾用来泛指一个酿酒厂里度数最高的啤酒.现在特指产于爱尔兰的浓味啤酒. Weizen or Weisse – 小麦啤酒或白啤酒. Pilsner / pils – 国际通用的对淡色啤酒的名称. * * *


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