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Part 1个人情感表达Unit 1 Happy 高兴 1.’m happy today. 我今天很高兴。 2. I’m grinning from ear to ear. 我笑得合不拢嘴。 ★表示极度开心。 3. I’m in a good mood. 我心情很好。 ★ mood表示“心情、情绪”。 4. These are tears of happiness.这是开心的泪水。 5. I can’t help smiling.我忍不住笑了。 ★ I can’t help是“忍不住”的意思。 6. I couldn’t be happier. 我非常高兴。 7. Im ecstatic.我高兴的忘乎所以了。 ★ ecstatic是“狂喜的、心花怒放的”。 8. I let out a real belly laugh.我捧腹大笑。 ★ belly laugh是“捧腹大笑”。 相关单词: 1. glad adj. 高兴; Id be glad to help you.我很乐意。 cheer n.愉快; Shes always full of cheer in my class.她在班上总是高高兴兴的。pleasing adj.令人愉快的; The picture was more pleasing to look at in daytime. ? 这张图片在白天看起来更悦目。 pleasant adj. 愉快的; It was a pleasant surprise to know your pregnancy. 得知是件令人惊喜的事。 delighted adj.高兴的; I shall be delighted to have dinner with you. 我很高兴。 pleasure n.愉快,乐趣; He took no pleasure in math. 她毫无乐趣。 merry adj.愉快的; There is always a merry smile on Lily’s face. 莉莉的脸上露出愉快的微笑。 joy n. 乐趣,欢喜; We discovered the joy of learning English.? 我们找到了学习英语的乐趣。 smile n.微笑; She gave me a happy smile when I saw her. 当我看见她时,她对我开心一笑。On the trip to Hawaii, we had a lot of fun. 在去夏威夷的旅途中,我们都很开心。 Unit 2 Sad 难过 1.’m sad today.我今天很难过。 2.I’m not in the mood.我心情不太好。 3. I have a bad hair day. 我今天的心情很糟糕。 ★ bad hair day是“很不顺利的一天”。 4. I’m upset. 我很心烦。 ★ upset是“心烦的、苦恼的”。 5. My heart is heavy. 我的心情很沉重。 6. Im heartbroken.我的心都碎了。 ★ heartbroken是“心碎的、难过的”。 7. Im downhearted. 我闷闷不乐。 ★ downhearted 是“闷闷不乐的”。 8. I’m so depressed. 我很沮丧。 ★ depressed是“消沉的、沮丧的”。 相关单词: 1. grieve v.悲伤,伤心; It grieves me to hear about your hardships. 听使我感到非常难过 sadness n.悲伤; A great sadness filled their lives after the earthquake happened. 当巨大的悲伤笼罩了他们的生活。 heartbroken adj.悲伤的; The death of my grandpa is heartbroken. 爷爷的去世使我很悲伤。 lamenting n.悲叹; The soldiers are still lamenting for their relatives. 战士还在为思念而叹息。 grief n.悲痛; His failure in business was a great grief to him. 他伤心事 sorrowfully adv.悲伤地; He was weeping sorrowfully when leaving his hometown.离开家乡时,他伤心地落泪 misery n.悲惨,不幸; After retiring, he led a life of misery.退休后他过悲惨


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