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沈阳牛津英语7B教案 Module 1 Unit 1 Page 2 应掌握的词汇 1.control v. 控制 Controlling fire is important.控制火情是重要的。 2.injure v. 伤害 Tom was injured in fire.汤姆在火中受伤。 3.cigarette n. 香烟;纸烟 Cigarettes are harmful for our health.香烟对我们的健康有害。 4. end n. 终点;末端 He is down at the end of the garden.他在花园的尽头的那边。 5. project n. 项目;专题研究 It is an impossible project 这是不可能实施的计划 6. question n. 问题 You havent answered my question.你还没有回答我的问题。 7. information n. 信息 His information is inaccurate.他的消息不准确。 8. happen v. 发生碰巧I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。 9. kind n. 种类 Try to find out what kind of people have the most need of help?研究一下看看哪种人最需要帮助。 10. cause v. 引起 The heavy rain caused the flood.大雨引起了洪水。 11.hill n. 小山 I climbed up the hill.我爬上了小山。 认知词汇 1.Natural adj. 自然的;天然的 2.element n. 要素 3.screen n. 屏幕 4.page n. 页 5.answer n. 答案 6.above adv. 在上面 应掌握的短语 1.the natural elements 天然要素 Fire is one of the natural elements.火是一种天然要素。 2.controlling fire 控制火情 Controlling fire is important.控制火情是重要的。 3.be injured 受伤 Tom was injured in fire.汤姆在火中受伤。 4.cigarette ends 烟头 Thoughtless people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere. 粗心的人们将正燃烧的烟头随处乱扔。 5.do a project about… 做一个关于……的专题研究 We are going to do a project about fire.我们将做一个关于火的专题研究。 6.think about 考虑 Miss Guo has given them some questions to think about.郭老师给我们一些问题考虑。 7.get some information about 得到关于……的信息 I’ve got some information on my computer about fire.我已经从电脑上获得了关于火的相关信息。 8.early men 早期人类 9.make a fire 生火 Early men used a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leave to make a fire. 早期人类用木棒,大块木头和干树叶生火。 10.use… to do sth. = use… for doing sth. 使用……做某事 11.cook food 做饭 we use fire to cook food.=We use fire for cooking food.我们用火做饭。 12.be careful with 对……小心 We have to be careful with fire.但我们用火时,我们应该小心。 13.what kind of 什么样的


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