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24 2 Vol24 No2 2010 4 GEOSC IENCE Apr2010 - 1, 2 1, 3 4 3 3 杨玉芳 , 钟建华 , 司维柳 , 倪良田, 陈志鹏 ( 1, 510640; 2 , 100039; 3, 257061; 4, 300280) : 20 496, - , , , , , , , ; 3 , , ; , , , , : ; ; ; - ; : T E1221 : A : 1000- 8527( 20 10) 02- 0301- 10 Re-explanation forDeposition andReservoir Characteristics of theFirstMember ofYaojiaFormation in Talaha-QijiaArea of Songliao asin 1, 2 1, 3 4 3 3 YANG Yu-f ng , ZHONG Ji n-hu , SIW ei-liu , N I L i ng-ti n , CHEN Zhi-peng ( 1G uangzhou Institu te of Geochem istry, Ch ineseA cademy of S ciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510640, Ch ina; 2Gradua te School of ChineseA cad em y of Sciences, Bejiing 100039, Ch ina; 3Institute of Earth Resources and Inf ormat ion, Uni ersity of P etroleum, Dongying, Shand ong 257061, Ch ina; 4D ag ang O ifl ield Exp lora tion and De elopm en tR esearch Institu te, D agang, T ianj in 300280, China) Abstract: By using the high-resolution sequence str tigr phy theory, through deposition l dyn m ic n lysis, the cores of 20 w ells nd 496w ell logging d t , Put ohu reservoir of theT l h -Q iji re in Songli o B sin is divided s 1 long-term b se level cycles, 3 medium-term b se level cycles, 8 short-term b se level cycles, proposed new fr meworkw ith the sed mi ent ry structure lifting control the north ndw est ofPu t ohu reservoir. F ine study of sed mi ent ry ch r cteristics reve ls th t themost f vor ble f cies s ndbody is n rrow subm rine riv- er s ndbody, th in ch nne-


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