ICAO 18张看图说话.doc

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ICAO 18张看图说话

1. 尾流 Wake Turbulence The picture shows that there are 2 parallel runways in the airport机场里有两条平行跑道 and the distance between the 2 runways is less than 760m 两条跑道间的距离小于760米. An aircraft is taking off from one runway. 一架飞机正从跑道上起飞 Nearly after the rotation point, 在抬轮点之后vortices are generated from it’s wingtips.从飞机翼尖处产生涡流 The left vortex rotates clockwise左侧涡流顺时针旋转 and the right vortex rotates counter-clockwise右侧涡流逆时针旋转.I think the aircraft is a heavy aircraft because it has 4 engines. 飞机有四发所以我认为是重型机The wake turbulence must be very strong 尾流肯定很强and may affect operations of following aircrafts on the other parallel RWY.有可能影响到另一条平行跑道上后面飞机的运行 It’s the tower’s responsibility to ensure enough separation between each aircrafts.塔台有责任确保每架飞机间的充分间隔 2. 山区小飞机撞卡车 This accident has happened in mountainous area. 事故发生在山区In this picture, I can see a single engine propeller airplane diving toward/crashing into a truck on the road. 图中可以看到一架单引擎螺旋桨飞机正撞向小路上的卡车Two men are escaping from the truck when the plane almost hit them.飞机快撞上卡车时卡车上的两人正从车上逃离 They are very lucky. 他们真是命大耶 [reason]事故原因 As we know in mountainous area, mountain wave often occurs.我们知道在山区,经常产生山地波 The changeable current sometimes greatly affects aircraft performance, especially to light aircrafts.这种变化的气流有时会严重影响飞机性能,尤其是对小型飞机 I guess when the airplane in the picture is about to land in a mountain highway, it encounters strong crosswind and is out of control. 我猜当图中飞机在准备在山区公路上着陆时,遭遇了强侧风并失去了控制。 Also, this accident can be caused by crew incapacitation, engine failure, fuel exhaustion, etc. 此次事故也可能是机组失能、发动机失效r燃油耗尽等原因造成的。 3.CB云turbulence This picture shows the activity of a thunderstorm in its mature stage, 图中显示的是处于成熟期的雷暴的运动On the top of the CB, there are anvils, CB云的顶端有云颭downdraft and updraft, roll clouds.下沉气流、上升气流以及翻滚的云 The lower part shows there are heavy rain and downdraft in the storm.在云的下部,风暴内部有有大雨及下沉气流There are also wind shears and turbulence on the edge of rainy area, 风暴边缘处有还风切变和颠簸 On the leading edge of the moving storm, there


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