Lecture05 Confucius-Mencius Sept 13 Chinese Philosophy Lectures杜兰大学中国哲学课堂教学.ppt

Lecture05 Confucius-Mencius Sept 13 Chinese Philosophy Lectures杜兰大学中国哲学课堂教学.ppt

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Lecture05 Confucius-Mencius Sept 13 Chinese Philosophy Lectures杜兰大学中国哲学课堂教学

PHIL 2931 Confucius (III) Mencius (I) Schedule Confucius’ Political Philosophy Confucius’ Metaphysics and religion History of Mencius and his period Mencius’ Moral Philosophy: Human Nature Political Philosophy Mind and Heaven Five Relationships Five Relationship: Parent and Child; elder brother and younger brother (and sisters); husband and wife; ruler and subject; between friends. Duty: Each relationship is bounded by rights and obligations. These relationships share the same kind of morality. Cheng Ming 正名 Cheng Ming: Rectification of Names 子路曰:「衛君待子而為政,子將奚先?」子曰:「必也正名乎!」子路曰:「有是哉?子 之迂也!奚其正?」子曰:「野哉,由也!君子於其所不知,蓋闕如也。名不正,則言不順 ;言不順,則事不成;事不成,則禮樂不興;禮樂不興,則刑罰不中;刑罰不中,則民無所 措手足。故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也。君子於其言,無所茍而已矣!」 13:3 Tzu-lu said, If the Lord of Wei left the administration (cheng) of his state to you, what would you put first? The Master said, If something has to be put first, it is, perhaps, the rectification (cheng) of names. Tzu-lu said, Is that so? What a roundabout way you take! Why bring rectification in at all? The Master said, Yu, how boorish you are. Where a gentleman is ignorant, one would expect him not to offer any opinion. When names are not correct, what is said will not sound reasonable; when what is said does not sound reasonable, affairs will not culminate in success; when affairs do not culminate in success, rites and music will not flourish; when rites and music do not flourish, punishments will not fit the crimes; when punishments do not fit the crimes, the common people will not know where to put hand and foot. Thus when the gentleman names something, the name is sure to be usable in speech, and when he says something this is sure to be practicable. The thing about the gentleman is that he is anything but casual where speech is concerned. Explanation To have a well ordered society, the most important thing is to carry out the rectification of names. Things in actual fact should be made to accord with the implication attached to them by names. Every name conta


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