SMTC 5 320 024 热塑性弹性体材料要求 Thermo Plastic Elastomers Material Requirements-20110504.doc

SMTC 5 320 024 热塑性弹性体材料要求 Thermo Plastic Elastomers Material Requirements-20110504.doc

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SMTC 5 320 024 热塑性弹性体材料要求 Thermo Plastic Elastomers Material Requirements-20110504

前 言 为规范SMTC集团内部热塑性弹性体材料的质量要求,特制定此标准。 当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。 本标准由技术分标委提出。 本标准由SMTC技术标准化委员会批准。 本标准由标准化工作组归口管理。 本标准起草部门:质量保证部。 本标准主要起草人:吴文安。 本标准于2011年 月 日首次批准发布,年 月 日实施。 Foreword This standard is established for the requirement of the Thermo Plastic Elastomers. This standard in Chinese and English have a doubt, the Chinese version should be criterion. This standard was proposed by basic sub-committee. This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee. This standard was specification management by Standardization working team. The drafting departments of this standard are: Quality Assurance Dept. The main drafters of this standard are: Wu wen an This standard was first published on and implemented on. 热塑性弹性体(TPE) 材料要求 Thermo Plastic Elastomers(TPE) Material Requirements 范围 本标准规定了。 1 Scope This technical standard specifies the material requirements and test methods for Thermo Plastic Elastomers (TPE). This technical standard applies to some parts made in TPE in the car. 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的必威体育精装版版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其必威体育精装版版本适用于本标准。 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply (exclude the correction), but parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. SMTC 90007汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识与标记 SMTC 90007 Material Sign and Marking of Vehicle Plastic Pieces, Rubber Pieces, and Thermoplastic Elastic Pieces SMTC 90008 整车环境标准 零部件、材料、工作液体的有害物质禁用 SMTC 90008 Vehicle Environmental Standard; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances SMTC 5 400


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