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The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. -Dr. Sheldon Cooper Answer the questions: why does Dr. Sheldon Cooper say this? He thinks physics is not realistic. To convey his opinion that he doesn’t like fun stuff. To criticize Leonard who does research on Physics To express his opinion that he believes physics is actually really fun to play with. This is just the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put up with. -Winston Churchill What can be inferred about Sir Winston Churchill’s attitude? He thinks very highly of it. He loathes the person who said it. He hopes to talk about it more in the future. He doesn’t like it and is determined to resist it. Office hours常用词汇总结 Admission Office Registrar’s office (register/scribe/secretary) Assignment/paper/ Project/report Assistantship/TA/RA/LA/PA Assistant Professor/Associate professor Audit credit Credit hour Office hours常用词汇总结 书包 Call the roll Carrel Coed Commencement Cram Cheating Closed out Office hours常用词汇总结 Cut class Dean’s list Department chair Division Diploma Drop Extension Minor Electives prerequisite Office hours常用词汇总结 Honors Incomplete Low-division course Field trip Fraternity sorority Grant Off-campus override Service Encounters常用词汇总结 Social Security No. Shuttle Head resident/resident advisor Housing office Rent and utilities Parking ticket/space/meter/permit/ Placement office counselor Service Encounters常用词汇总结 Work-study Tuition hike/surge Tutor Stacks On reserve G.P.A. Expel On probation Student Interactions常用词汇总结 Hit the book Mickey Mouse course Pop quiz Part-time All-nighter Ace Bear 录取办公室 选课办公室 作业 助教/助理研究员/个人助理 助理教授/副教授 动词:旁听 名词:学分 学分时 Book bag 点名 图书馆或自习室的专座 男女同校 毕业典礼 临时抱佛脚 考试作弊 被某门课程拒绝 逃课 优秀生名单 系主任 大学的部(由几个系构成) 学位证,毕业文凭 放弃某个科目 延期 辅修专业 选课 先修课程 成绩优异的 允许学生下学期达到要求即可的评分 基础课 实地考察旅行 兄弟会 姐妹会 研究基金 校外 允许不合资格的学生进入课堂 TOEFL Listening scenarios analysis-Conversation托福听力场景分类汇总-校园对话 2. service encounters, 即学生与学校的工作人员在校园某处就非学术类话题展开的长对话。比如学生向对方询问衣、食、住、行方面的生活问题或注册、选课方面的学习问题等。 社会保险号 校车 宿管老师 住房


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