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Mandela’s Garden Brainstorming arrange n arrangement Phrases: arrange for 安排, 准备 arrange with sb. about sth. arrange with sb. to do sth. 与某人商定某事 1. 用作及物动词表示“安排”“准备”时,其后通常接事情,而不接具体的人或东西;若接具体的人或东西则需后接介词for,如以下两例中的for不宜省去: We’ll arrange for an experienced teacher. I’ve arranged for a taxi. arrange 2. 后接事情作宾语时,其后接不接介词for均可(在现代英语中以不接为多见): Would you like to arrange (for) a personal interview? 3. 正因为表示“安排”时不能直接跟某人作宾语,所以要表示汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语习惯上不说 arrange sb to do sth,而说arrange for sb to do sth: I’ve arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport. arrange Other examples: hope for sb to do sth wait for sb do sth long for sb to do sth demand of sb to do sth arrange 4. 其后可接that引导的宾语从句,从句谓语通常用虚拟语气,但有时也可用将来时态: They arranged that the meeting (should) be put off to Saturday. I’ve arranged that one of our representatives will meet you at the airport. 比较同义句:I’ve arranged for him to attend the meeting.=I’ve arranged that he (should) attend the meeting. 5. 其后习惯上不接双宾语,如“请给我们安排一次与工人的会见”不能译为:Please arrange us an interview with the workers. 可改为:Please arrange an interview with the workers for us. arrange 我已经安排好派一个职员到飞机场接你。 I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport. 我和他约好在饭馆见面。 I have arranged with him to meet at the restaurant. 她的父母正忙着为她的婚礼做准备。 Her parents are busy arranging for her wedding ceremony. arrange arranged marriage 包办婚姻 to arrange flowers 插花 cell any small compartment a room where a prisoner is kept (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter. a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections cellphone chili Compare: Chilly Pepper: Contact n. the act or state of touching or meeting Finally he managed to get into contact with him. *英国人习惯用其单数形式,而美国人则习惯用其复数形式,表示“联系”的意思。I have had many contacts with my friends. ?n. a person who is in a position to give you special assistance The journalist has a contact in Paris. v.


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