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摘 要 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、转动方向、停止位置等只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不因负载的变化而变化,既给一个脉冲信号,电机就会转过一个步距角。这一线性关系的存在,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而而无累计误差等特点。使得在速度、位置正反转等控制领域用步进电机来控制变得非常简单。但步进电机不能直接接至电源进行工作,需要使用配套的驱动器和控制器,因而步进电机系统的运行性能既于电机自身性能有关,也与驱动器的性能相关,而一个好的控制器可以使步进电机控制更加灵活,并且能够改善其运动性能,因此,对于步进电机控制系统而言,使用性能良好的驱动器和控制器具有重要意义。 由于步进电机具有控制方便、体积小等特点,所以在数控系统、自动生产线自动仪表方面有广泛的应用,同时微电子学和微计算机学的发展也为步进电机开辟了广阔的前景,但市场上的很多现成的控制器价格都偏高。因此,本课题应用SGS公司推出的L297和L298两芯片可方便的组成步进电机驱动器,并结合AVR单片机进行控制,即可实现用相对便宜的价格组成一个性能不错的步进电机驱动的控制器。 关键词:步进电机; 控制器; L298; L297;AVR单片机ABSTRACT Stepper motor is the open-loop control component which the electric pulse signals transfer into angular displacement or linear displacement . In the case of non-overloading. Motor speed, rotational direction, stop location only depends on the pulse frequency and pulse number not due to load change, as soon as send a pulse signal, the motor will turn a step angle. Because of the existence of this linear relationship, coupled with the stepper motor only has periodic error and no cumulative error . Makes the speed, position and other control areas of positive inversion becomes very simplewhich control by the stepper moto. But the stepper motor can not be directly connected to the power supply to work and need to use matching drives and controllers.Thus,the operating of stepper motor system is both related the performance of the motor itself and performance-related drive.A good controller stepper motor can make it more flexible and able to improve their sports performance, therefore, its significant to use good performance drives and controllers for the stepper motor control system. Its easy to control the stepper motor and its small volume, so there is a wide range of applications in the areas of the control system, automatic production line and automatic meter.Meanwhile,the development of microelectronics and computer science in micro-stepper motor also opens up a broad prospects, but many ready-made controllers prices are too expensivein


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