导游英语情景口语Item 16-3 欢送词.ppt

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导游英语情景口语Item 16-3 欢送词

Model 3: A Farewell Speech 欢送词 Words and Phrases distinguished adj. 令人尊敬的 witness v. 见证 occur v. 发生 economy n. 经济 symbol n. 象征 fragrance n. 香味 seashore n. 海滨 handicraft n. 手工艺品 promote v. 改善,提高,促进 strengthen v. 增强,增进 Confucius n. 孔子 build up 建立 mausoleums of emperors 帝王陵墓 Nanxiang Bun 南翔小笼包 send one’s best regards to 把…的祝福带给… Useful Expressions 1. How time flies! 时光飞逝。 2. Your trip to China is drawing to a close. 你们来华的行程即将结束。 3. We thank you for coming. 我们感谢诸位的来访。 4. We would thank you again for your great patience, cooperation and understanding, which have made our job easier. 我们要再次感谢各位给予的良好耐心、有力合作和充分理解,这些使得我们工作变得容易。 5. The tour couldn’t have been that successful without your support. 没有各位的支持,这次旅游不可能如此成功。 6. There is nothing more delightful than to meet friends afar. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 7. I would like to welcome you back. 但愿在将来的某个时候,与大家再相会。 Listen and Answer 1. Where does the tour guide come from? She comes from China International Travel Service. 2. Which city is considered as the engine of China’s economy? Shanghai. 3. What may a foreigner appreciate Chinese culture? For example, Chinese handippcrafts, Peking Opera and ancient mausoleums of emperors. 4. Try to explain the Chinese saying “there is nothing more delightful than to meet friends afar” in English. It means that we are so hay to have friends like you coming from afar. 5. What information shall a farewell speech include? The tour guide should conclude the whole journey, express thanks for the guests’ cooperation and understanding, and hopes the guests will come again. * * *


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