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附表1 船 上 工 作 安 排 表 TABLE OF SHIPBOARD WORKING ARANGEMENTS 船名: 国籍: IMO 号码: 更新日期: Name of ship Flag of ship IMO number Latest update of table 岗位/职务 Position/Rank 海上每日计划工作时间 Scheduled daily work hours at sea 港内每日计划工作时间 Scheduled daily work hours in port 说明 Comments 每日工作/休息时间合计 Total daily work/rest hours 值班(自—至) Watchkeeping(From~to) 非值班工作(自—至) Non- watchkeeping duties(From~to) 值班(自—至) Watchkeeping(From~to) 非值班工作(自—至) Non-watchkeeping duties(From~to) 海上 At sea 港内 In port / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 注:1、岗位/职务同船舶安全配员文件中列明一致。 For those positions/ranks that are also listed in the ships safe manning document, the terminology used should be the same as in that document. 2、说明栏用于计划工作之外的预计小时数,这段时间应包括在相应的总计日常工作时间栏内。 For watchkeeping personnel, the comments section may be used to indicate the anticipated number of hours to be devoted to unscheduled work and any such hours should be included in the appropriate total daily work hours column. 船长签字(Signature of master): 附表2 船员值班(工作)/休息时间记录表 TABLE FOR RECORD OF HOURS OF WATCHKEEPING(WORK)OR HOURS OF REST OF SEAFARERS 船名: 国籍: IMO 号码: 姓名: 职务: 年 月 Name of ship Flag of ship IMO number Name Rank Year Month 小时 Hours 日期 Date 请本人做好工作和休息时间标志,用连线、箭头表示工作时间;用“X”表示休息时间。 Please mark periods of rest, as applicable with an“X”; mark periods of work using a continuous line or arrow. 船长授权人(部门长)填写 Fill in with person who authorized by master 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 0 休息时


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