新概念 lesson 45.ppt

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新概念 lesson 45

Lesson 45 A clear conscience 问心无愧 本课重点:被动语态的学习 1. clear adj. 无罪的,不亏心的 2. conscience n. 良心,道德心 3. wallet n. 皮夹,钱夹 4. savings n. 存款 5. villager n. 村民 6. per cent(percent) 百分之…… Questions on the text 1. What did Sam Benton lose while taking his savings to the post office? He lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. 2. What happened three months passed? The money was returned. It had been wrapped up in the newspaper and it contained half the money, together with a note 3. How did the thief pay back the money? The thief paid back some more money each time. Key words and expressions(重要单词及表达) Clear adj. 1) 无罪的,无辜的 A clear conscience 2) 清澈的,亮的 Clear river 清澈的河水 Clear eyes 明亮的眼睛 3)明白的,有信心的 She seems quite clear about her plans. 她似乎对自己的计划很有信心。 4)开通的,无障碍的,畅通无阻的,无危险的 A clear road 畅通无阻的路 The highways are clear of snow now. 高速公路上已无积雪。 Conscience n. 良心 Have a clear (good) conscience 问心无愧 感到内疚,问心有愧 Have a bad (guilty) conscience Savings n. 存款 live on one’s savings build up some savings Per cent (percent)百分之…… 50 percent a thief= 50 percent of a thief 25 percent a thief= 25 percent of a thief Language points(语言点) The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. 1.whole 2.learn 3.a large sum of money 4.had been lost Whole adj. 全部 置于冠词之后 而all 在表示“全部”时,置于冠词之前 The whole village soon learnt that… All the students have finished the homework. As a whole 作为一个整体,整个看起来 On the whole 总的说来,大体上 Learn 1) 学习,学,学会(知识或技术) The child is learning quickly. I’m trying to learn French. He is learning to write. She is learning how to dance. 今天我们学习了怎样使用这个新软件。 2)记住,熟记 Learn this list of words. 熟记这单词表。 3)听说,得知,获悉 She learnt of her son’s success in the newspapers. We were very surprised to learn (that)she had got married again. Language points(语言点) The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. 1.whole 2.learn 3. a large sum of money 4.had been lost A large sum of money 一大笔钱 一笔钱 a sum of money


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