2012高一英语教案:Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第一课时(北师大版必修4)( 2013高考).doc

2012高一英语教案:Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第一课时(北师大版必修4)( 2013高考).doc

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2012高一英语教案:Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第一课时(北师大版必修4)( 2013高考)

第单元 教学设计 Lesson教材分析 本课是第单元的第课。[] 本课是听力技能课,教师要引导学生运用听力策略Listening for specific information, 听懂并理解有关狗仔队对名人隐私的追踪报道的谈话,并能抓住谈话要点。同时引导学生关注表达观点的功能用语,发展学生的语言交际能力。 本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时 教学内容 话题: 词汇: 重点词汇: 相关词汇: 第一课时 First Period 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 2. 用相关词汇发表意见。 教学过程 注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work Steps 教学活动 Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式和时间 IP Time Lead-in Step 1 T asks Ss how much they know about the paparazzi. 引起学生兴趣,激活学生的背景知识。 CW 3’ Step 2 T shows some pictures of Princess Diana and tells Ss about her death. (PPT 4) 扩展学生的背景知识,并引出听力材料中的相关词汇,为听力做准备。 CW 5’ Pre-listening Step 3 T presents vocabulary in context and help Ss match the words with their definitions. (PPT 5-9) (学案I) 在语境中呈现词汇,帮助学生理解词汇。 CW -- IW 6’ Step 4 Ss read through the listening strategies (Listening for specific information) and guess the words they are going to fill in the blanks. (PPT 10) 运用所学策略推测即听内容,为后面的听力活动做准备。 IW[.Com] 2’ While-listening Step 5 First listening: Ss listen to the radio programme and check their prediction. (PPT 11-12) 练习抓关键词的技能,并检测推测是否正确。 IW 3’ Step 6 Second listening: T divides the listening material into three parts and plays them separately. Ss complete the sentences with information. T gets feedback from individual student and then checks the answers as a whole class. (PPT 13-14) (学案II) 分段播放听力内容,降低难度,同时给学生留有充分时间完成句子。 训练学生获取细节信息的能力,同时关注词语的形式与搭配。 CW – IW 6’ Step 7 Third listening: Ss listen to the recording again from the beginning to the end to gain an overall understanding. 学生再次听整体录音内容,形成整体理解。 CW 2’ Step 8 Ss discuss the question in pairs and then T checks answers as a class. (PPT 15-16) (学案II) 帮助学生进一步理解谈话内容,为下一步的语言输出活动做准备。 CW 5’ Post-listening Step 9 Ss watch a section of video about Diana’s funeral and enjoy the song “Candle in the wind”. (PPT 17) 学生看一段戴安娜王妃葬礼的录像,为后面的讨论做准备。 IW – PW – CW 5’ Step 10 Ss express different opinions about the argument that taking photograph


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