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Points Arc Center – Create a point at the center of the “best fit circle” defined by a selection of nodes, points or lines. Points Extract Parametric – Create points at parametric locations on a line or surface. Points Intersect – Create points at the intersection of line/line, line/surf, line/solid, line/plane, vector/line, vector/surf, vector/solid, vector/plane. Lines XYZ – Create a line by entering the two end point coordinates. Lines Drag along Vector – Create a line by dragging a node a specified distance along a vector. Lines Conic – Create a parabolic/hyperbolic line by entering coordinates for the two end points and the tangent point. Lines Extract Parametric – Create lines at parametric locations on a surface. Lines Manifold – Create lines (free or trimmed) on a surface from a node list. Options exist for linear, linear closed, smooth and smooth closed lines. Lines Normal to Geometry – Create lines starting from nodes/points in space, normal to lines/surfs/solids. Lines Normal from Geometry – Create normal lines of a specified length starting from nodes/points on lines/surfs/solids. Lines Normal 2D on Plane – Create lines normal to the specified line, lying on a specified plane and starting from the specified node/point projected to that plane. Surfaces Drag along Normal – Create surfaces by offsetting a line along the line normal. This is the same as Lines Offset, with a surface being generated. There are also advanced options to specify how the links are made between inconsistent geometries, using nodes and points. U502_Digital_Buck-auxAC.stp 122 MB on disk Timings (includes faceting): 10.0 – 7 min. 50 sec. 11.0 – 3 min. 5 sec. Geometry – Meshline Toolkit New meshline toolkit allows drawing of lines on the top of a?shell (2D) mesh. Can be used as?multi-purpose features: To specify the location of boundary conditions/loads or other properties?(applied along the lines and/or in the areas bounded by the line loops). To create surfaces on


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