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SH30221999 石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范英文
Trade Standards of People’s Republic of China
P SH 3022(1999
Technical specification for the coating anticorrosion of equipment and piping in petrochemical industry
技 术 规 范
1999(09(22 issure 2001(01(01 enforcement
issured by National Petroleum Chemical Industrial Bureau
This technical specification is a revision from “Design construction specification for the coating anticorrosion of equipment and piping in petrochemical industry” SHJ22-90, revised jointly by Lanzhou Design Institute and The Third constructional Company, SINOPEC, according the construction marking-up Document 269 (1995), SINOPEC.
This Technical Specification includes five sections and six appendixes. The contents, which have been revised, are:
Raising rust-removing grade for steel materials surface for a longer using life of anticorrosive coating.
Classifying corrosion degree jointly using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis
Increasing quantitative control of total thickness of anticorrosive coating
Increasing or cutting kinds of normal coating and their complete performances
Enhancing monitoring and controlling for coating product quality, perfecting controlling of coating process application
Establishing strict and definite specification for coating engineering quality (e.g.coating thickness, coating course, etc.)
During the time of revising, problems existing in the original revision were more widely investigated, and practical experience were concluded about design and application for the coating anticorrosion of equipment and piping in petrochemical industry, suggestions were collected about design, construction, production etc. After some of the important points were discussed many times, and finally, the audit evaluation, the new version were produced.
If there are any points needing revision during your carrying out this specification, please provide your suggestion as well as the related information to the
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