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PAGE PAGE 24 新东方希望长着翅膀 01 Be the Best of Whatever You Are             ——Douglas Malloch 做最好的自己 If you cant be a pine on the top of the hill, 如果你当不成山巅的一棵劲松, Be a scrub in the valleybut be 就做山谷里的小树吧但务必 The best little scrub by the side of the rill; 做溪流边最棒的一棵小树; Be a bush if you cant be a tree. 当不了树就做一丛灌木, If you cant be a bush be a bit of grass—— 当不成灌木还可以做小草——但务必 And some highway happier make. 做路边最快乐的一株小草。 If you cant be a muskie then just be a bass——如果你不是大梭鱼就做一尾鲈鱼吧, But the liveliest bass in the lake! 但要做湖里最活泼的小鲈鱼! We cant all be captains, weve got to be crew,我们不能都做船长,必须有人当船员, Theres something for all of us here, 可每个人都有自己的事儿, Theres big work to do, and theres lesser to do, 有的事情大,有的事情小, And the task you must do is the near. 而你要完成的任务就近在咫尺。 If you cant be a highway then just be a trail, 如果你不能做大道就做一条小径, If you cant be the sun be a star; 若是不能做太阳就做星星; It isnt by size that you win or you fail—— 决定成败的不是你的大小—— Be the best of whatever you are! 只要你做最好的自己! 02 Follow Your Dreams Linsey Emily-Jane wants to be a pop star The moral of this story is never stop dreaming Though her dreams are so far Dont tear out your hair, dont start screaming When people laugh, her feelings get down Although its as hard as it seems Her dazzling smile replaced with a frown Just follow your dreams Emily-Jane has this dream every night Shes standing on stage, singing all her might Selling Platinum Records, being Number One Then she wakes up and the dream is done Emily-Janes mum holds her tight Never give up babe, all right? She listens to her mothers kind voice Nows the time for her to make her choice Emily-Jane joins her school choir Her hopes get higher and higher The choir teachers say she is great She had no reason to be afraid Emily-Jane followed her dream Now all she does is beam The little girl is now a huge star But her mothers words are ne


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