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[机经背景分类] 天文类 HYPERLINK /dispbbs.asp?boardID=19ID=107046page=1 \t _blank 背景资料汇总 1.木星 2.奥林匹亚火山(火星) 3.月球 4.中子望远镜 5.金星 6.太阳黑斑 7.红外望远镜 8.太阳风 9.太阳系行星分类 10.黑洞 11.月亮火山的形成 ************************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************* JUPITER Jupiter has thick, gaseous atmospheres and low densities. It has no solid rock surface. The temperature ranges from about -190°F (-124°C) for the visible surface of the atmosphere, to 9°F (-13°C) at lower cloud levels; localized regions reach as high as 40°F (4°C) at still lower cloud levels near the equator. Jupiter radiates about four times as much heat energy as it receives from the sun, suggesting an internal heat source. This energy is thought to be due in part to a slow contraction of the planet. At least 17 natural satellites are known to orbit Jupiter. They are conveniently divided into three groups. The four largest—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—were discovered by Galileo in 1610, shortly after he invented the telescope, and are known as the Galilean satellites. A second group is comprised of the four innermost satellites. The final group consists of the eight satellites with orbits outside that of Callisto. The seventeenth satellite, 1999J1, was discovered in 2000. Eleven small previously unknown satellites were reported in 2001. If these sightings should be confirmed, it would raise the number of Jovian moons to 28. … The spot and other markings of the atmosphere also provide evidence for Jupiter’s rapid rotation, which has a period of about 9 hr 55 min. Jupiter 木星是太阳系九大行星中最大的一个,它的体积可以容纳1300多个地球。它的质量是地球质量的300多倍。把太阳系所有其他行星的质量全加起来还不及木星质量的一半。 木星在椭圆轨道上绕太阳运行一周需要11.86年,与太阳平均距离是7.78亿千 米.由于木星离太阳遥远, 木星表面温度比地球表面低得多。根据“先驱者”11号宇宙飞船测得的温度约为-150°C。 木星自转很快,自转一周只需9小时50分30秒,是太阳系中自转最快的一个。由于快速自转,使木星形状变扁,不是正圆形,而是中腰鼓起的椭圆形。很快的旋转速度带动它的大气层顶端的云层,竟以约35400千米/小时的速度


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