三 英语动词时态讲解.ppt

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三 英语动词时态讲解

英语动词时态讲解 动词的构成 be 动词 助动词 情态动词 系动词 实义动词 be 动词 be动词的几种形式 am is are was were being Been be动词的用法 与名词、数词、形容词、介词连用 I am a doctor. He is ten. They are tired. The cat is under the table. be动词的用法 There be 句型 用于不可数名词和可数名词单数之前 There is a pen on the desk. There is some water in the glass. 用于复数名词之前 There are some sheep in the hill. 用于一般将来时 There is going to be a film in our school next Sunday. 用于一般过去时 There was a book on the desk yesterday. 注意:请根据时态和句中的名词选择适当形式。 be动词的用法 Be 动词在时态中的运用 在现在进行时中 We are talking. 在过去进行时中 We were talking at this time yesterday. 助动词 助动词的几种形式 do /don’t Does/ doesn’t Did/ didn’t will /won’t have haven’t /has hasn’t/had hadn’t 助动词的用法 对句子进行否定和疑问 Do you get up early every day? I didn’t have lunch yesterday. Will you be back soon? He hasn’t finished the work yet. 在反意疑问句中 He works in a school, doesn’t he? She has never been there,has she? 在倒装句中 They helped the farmers , so did we. I won’t visit the famous singer,neither will he. 情态动词 共同特点 情态动词后面跟动词原型 无论否定、疑问、倒装句、或反意疑问句都用情态动词 只有时态变化,没有人称变化 情态动词 解释 can / could 在表示请求允许的时候两者和互换, could比can语气更委婉。 Can I help you? Could you open the window? 在表示有能力作某事时,could是can的过去式。 I can swim. I could swim at the age of five. 情态动词 解释 Must /have to Must 表示主观意愿,否定句用Mustn’t,否定回答用needn’t I must go now. You mustn’t play in the street. Must I clean the room now? No,you needn’t. have to表示客观条件的限制的“不得不”,它有时态和人称变化,需要助动词来否定和疑问。 I don’t have to carry the big box. He had to wash his clothes. 情态动词 解释 May 表示请求别人允许。 May I use your bike? 表示可能性。 He may be a teacher. He may live in this building. 系动词 我们所学过的系动词是 Get,turn,be come,be动词 感观动词look,sound,smell,taste,feel 系动词只和形容词连用,构成系表结构 I feel hungry. The day gets longer and longer. He looked happy. 实义动词 实义动词指的是有具体行为意思的动词。 实义动词在句中可以做谓语动词和非谓语动词。 做谓语动词的用法 动词会有四种形式:单三,现在分词,过去式,过去分词



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