中国文化概况 chapter13.ppt

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中国文化概况 chapter13

Chapter 13 World Heritage Sites 本章教学目的 对中国世界文化和自然遗产的了解。 本章教学重难点 世界文化和自然遗产——著名山脉的介绍 世界自然遗产——著名风景点的介绍 世界文化遗产——石窟和古村落的介绍 本章教学的时间安排 教师课堂讲解 (60 minutes) Introduction to the World Heritage List (5 minutes) World Cultural and Natural Heritages—mountains (15 minutes) World Natural Heritage—Scenic Spots (15 minutes) World Cultural Heritages (15 minutes) The preservation of World Heritage 讨论 (10 minutes) 学生课件展示 (30 minutes) World Cultural and Natural Heritages in China China has a vast territories, abundant natural resources, with many wonderful landscapes and treasured historic sites. A number of these form part of the World Heritage List, a source of great national pride to the Chinese people. China started to submit to the World Heritage List in 1987. Up to June 2007, among the over 800 World Heritage Sites listed by UNESCO, China has 35 listed, ranking the third, trailing Spain and Italy. World Cultural and Natural Heritage—Mountains Mount Taishan was listed in 1987 by UNESCO as a Dual Cultural and Natural Heritage. China’s spectacular mountain landscapes attract many tourists home and abroad. Among them, Mount Taishan, Mount Huangshan, Mount Lushan and Mount Wuyi are most worth visiting. Mount Taishan There are five sacred mountains in China: Mount Taishan (泰山), Mount Huashan (华山), Mount Hengshan (恒山), Mount Hengshan (衡山), and Mount Songshan (嵩山). In Mount Taishan, nature and culture penetrate into each other. It is the symbol of spiritual culture of China. Mount Huangshan Mount Huangshan was listed in 1990 by UNESCO as a Dual Cultural and Natural Heritage. The three main peaks, the Lotus Peak, the Tiandu Peak and the Guangming peak, are about 1,800 metres above sea level. Mount Lushan Mount Lushan was added to the list of World Cultural Heritage in 1996 by UNESCO WHC. The mountain is a well-known scenic area, summer resort and place for convalescent (恢复期的) patients. Three Water Falls Hanpo Pass Su Dongpo, a brilliant poet of the Song Dynasty, queried



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