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我国农业合作社发展的法律问题研究 摘要 如何实现农村经济又好又快的发展,促进实现农业现代化与工业化、城镇化、信息化同步发展,是近几年不少专家和学者关注的焦点。缩小农村和城市的差距,实现农村和城市和谐发展是发展中国经济,提高人民生活水平,实现共同富裕的根本出路。在国外,农业合作社这种经济组织形式发展的比较完善,在推动了农业市场化的步伐,提高了农民在市场经济中竞争力。这种合作社组织形式,在我国也存在,但与国外相比,农村合作社的作用还远远没有完全发挥到它的极致。如何发展壮大我国的农业合作社,来带动我国农村的发展,提高农民收入,进而缩小城乡二元结构带来的经济差距越来越被经济学家、法学家重视。现代市场经济是法治经济,那么农业合作社在市场经济的身份也需要农业合作社法来规范保护,从而发挥其经济作用。因此,笔者希望借研究农业合作社发展的法律问题,给我国农业合作社的发展提供一些建议。 为此,笔者阅读大量国内外文献资料,采用比较分析的方法对我国农业合作社与国外农业合作社法制现状进行了比较分析,结合法理相关理论研究对我国目前农业合作社法律进行分析,并发现一些不完善之处,提出笔者的建议,以期对我国的合作社发展有所裨益。 关键词 农业合作社 法律地位 治理结构 财产制度 Abstract How to achieve sound and rapid development of the rural economy, promote agricultural modernization and industrialization, urbanization, information technology, synchronous development in recent years, the focus of attention of many experts and scholars. Narrow the gap between rural and urban areas, rural and urban development and harmonious development of Chinas economy and improve peoples living standards, the fundamental way to achieve common prosperity. How to achieve sound and rapid development of the rural economy, promote agricultural modernization and industrialization, urbanization, information technology, synchronous development in recent years, the focus of attention of many experts and scholars. Over the years, many scholars regard the view point focused on the development of this economic organization of agricultural cooperatives. This cooperative economic organizations of the rural economy in China started relatively late, research legal issues are relatively scarce, or that there is not much legislation. Although in recent years the development of a slight but not entirely effective play its important role. In other countries, this form of economic organization of agricultural cooperatives development faster, pushing the pace of market-oriented agriculture, improving farmers competitiveness in a market economy. This form of organization of cooperatives in the country there, but compared with other countries, the role o



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