Chapter4 国际货物运输保险 国际贸易实务双语教程(课件).ppt

Chapter4 国际货物运输保险 国际贸易实务双语教程(课件).ppt

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Chapter4 国际货物运输保险 国际贸易实务双语教程(课件)

Insurance Practice of China Export Companies 我国外贸企业办理货物运输保险的做法 Export Insurance出口货物运输保险――逐笔投保 ?ways of calculating the insurance premium Amount Insured保险金额――投保金额 Amount Insured=CIF×(1+10%) Premium保险费 Premium Rate保费率 Insurance Premium = Insurance Amount × Premium Rate = [CIF×(1+10%)] × Premium Rate Insurance Practice of China Export Companies 我国外贸企业办理货物运输保险的做法 Import Insurance 进口货物运输保险 Open cover 进口预约保险合同 Open policy 进口预约保险保单 Insurance Documents 保险单据 Definition 保险单据的定义 保险单据是保险公司在接受投保后签发的承保凭证,是保险人和被保险人之间订立的保险合同,在被保险货物受到保险合同责任范围的损失时,它是被保险人索赔和保险人理赔的主要依据。 在CIF、CIP合同中,保险单据是卖方必须向买方提供的主要单据之一。 保险单是可以背书转让的。 Insurance Documents 保险单据 Types of Insurance Documents 保险单据的种类 Insurance Policy保险单 Insurance Certificate保险凭证 Endorsement 批单 Insurance Declaration保险通知书 Case 1: Our exporter exported a load of cargo to a Middle-East country under CIF terms and covered WPA in addition to TPND, but the vessel was detained as a result of the Iran-Iraq war. The importer lodged a claim to the insurance company. Can the importer be compensated? Case 1: 我国某外贸公司按CIF条件向中东某国出口一批货物,根据合同投保了水渍险附加偷窃提货不着险(TPND),但在海运途中,因两伊战争船被扣押进口商应提货不着向保险公司索赔,问是否能得到赔偿?  Case 1: 解析:偷窃提货不着险是指被保货物整件被偷或从整件中窃取一部分,以致货到目的地后收货人提取不着整件的货物。从本例来看,显然不是属于这种情况,所以保险公司将不予赔偿。 ? Case 2: Questions: In the previous case, which type of insurance should be covered so that the insurance shall make indemnity? 上例应保什么险,保险公司方予赔偿? Case 2: Analysis Failure to deliver risk shall be covered. Failure to deliver risk refers to the risk, once loaded on board the seagoing vessel; fail to be delivered at the destination within six months of scheduled date for arrival due to whatever cause it might be. However, the insurant shall handle equity-transferring procedures so as to get compensation. Case 2: Analysis 应保交货不到险。因交货不到险是指从货物装上船开始,六个月内不能运到目的地,不论什么原因,保险公司要按全部损失赔偿。不过被保险人要向保险人办理权益转让手续,否则保险人不予赔偿。 Case 3: Our exporter exported 1,000 bales of gray cloth to Australia, coverin



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