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Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(5), 729-737 Published Online November 2016 in Hans. /journal/ass /10.12677/ass.2016.55103 The Research of Self-Disclosure in the Usage of WeChat Moments Yashan Zhong College of Journalism and Communications, China Youth University of Political Studies, Beijing st th th Received: Oct. 31 , 2016; accepted: Nov. 14 , 2016; published: Nov. 17 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Open Access Abstract Based on the theory of self-disclosure and under the background of Internet self-disclosure envi- ronment, we investigate 171 college student and postgraduate through questionnaire from the University of Z in city A to analyze whether different demographic characteristics and different usage of WeChat Moments will influence people’s self-disclosure in some ways. This study shows that demographic characteristics of gender, age, place of birth and the home have an impact on the degree of self-disclosure in their WeChat Moments and the number of WeChat friends and the dif- ferent kinds of status also have effects. Meanwhile, self-disclosure in WeChat Moments can not only expand and strengthen its network of relationships, but also can be a complement to self- disclosure in real life, helping ease the emotion and release the pressure. Keywords University Student, WeChat Behaviors, WeChat Moments, Self-Disclosure 微信朋友圈使用行为中的自我表露研究 钟亚杉 中国青年政治学院新闻传播学院,北京 收稿日期:2016年10月31 日;录用日期:2016年11月14 日;发布日期:2016年11月17 日 文章引用: 钟亚杉. 微信



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