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Advances in Applied Mathematics 应用数学进展, 2017, 6(4), 529-546 Published Online July 2017 in Hans. /journal/aam /10.12677/aam.2017.64064 Research on the Scheduling of Micro-Grid 1 2 2 Yan Wu , Chang Xu , Zhao Jiang 1 College of Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang Hubei 2 School of Computer Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang Hubei nd th st Received: Jul. 2 , 2017; accepted: Jul. 17 , 2017; published: Jul. 21 , 2017 Abstract This paper studies the problem of micro-grid optimization. Requirements in the battery, renewa- ble energy photovoltaic power generation, fan power generation and micro-network and power grid exchange power in a coordinated combination of circumstances, calculate the composition of the load of each time, the total power supply costs and the average purchase price. Firstly, the data of the attachment are analyzed, and the time-interval calculation model, the single-objective in- teger programming model and Single Target Nonlinear Optimization Model are established re- spectively. Then, combining the two binary enumerations, the three sub-indicators of the average purchase price, the total power supply cost and the load of each period are calculated by MATLAB programming; finally, the image is analyzed by the obtained data, and the utilization of renewable energy is obtained. Keywords Microgrid, Integer Programming, Enumeration Method, Single Target, Nonlinear Optimization 微电网日前优化调度的研究 1 2 2 吴 燕 ,徐 畅 ,江 昭 1三峡大学理学院,湖北 宜昌 2三峡大学计算机学院,湖北 宜昌 收稿日期:2017年7月2 日;录用日期:2017年7月17 日;发布日期:2017年7月21 日 摘 要 本文研究的是微电网日前优化



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