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民营企业筹资风险的分析与防范毕业论文 摘 要 民营经济是我国国民经济的一个新的经济增长点,并且在提供就业机会,活跃市场经济方面发挥的作用也日益突出,但台州市由于自身的经济特点所决定,民营经济发展出现了一些问题,且民营企业在资本结构、筹资风险管理等方面还存在比较突出的问题,因此,本文从如何降低民营企业筹资风险的目的出发,对影响台州市民营企业筹资风险的因素进行研究,无疑是十分必要的。本论采用实证的研究方法,在论述相关研究和理论分析的基础上,分析了台州市民营企业在筹资及防范筹资风险上存在的各种各样的问题,指出了影响台州市民营企业筹资风险的各种因素。从台州市民营企业外部环境和内部环境分析台州市民营企业存在的筹资风险,结合台州市民营企业自身的发展特点及自身资本结构,从宏观和微观两方面对应的提出了防范台州市民营企业筹资风险的措施,探讨寻求台州市民营企业降低企业筹资风险的途径。 关键词:民营企业;筹资风险;资本结构 Abstract The private economy of national economy in China is a new economic growth point,,and in providing employment opportunities , Active play the role of market economy has become more obvious , But because of its own economic characteristic of taizhou city, determined by the development of the private economy, and some problems have arisen private enterprises in the capital structure, financing risk management are more outstanding problems, therefore this paper how to reduce the purpose of private enterprise financing risk based on private enterprise, the impact of taizhou financing risk factors were studied, doubtless is very necessary This paper is divided into five parts: the first part for papers in part. The paper discusses mainly the topic-selection significance as well as paper by use of research methods and technical route. The second part is the theoretical overview paper part. First introduced the financing and financing risk the meaning, classification and form of expression. The third part discusses the Taizhou private enterprise and financing status. In this section discusses mainly the definition of private enterprises, the private economy contribution and Taizhou private economic characteristics and existing problems, and of Taizhou private enterprise financing status, reasons and the specific performance are discussed. The fourth part is to reduce Ttaizhou private enterprise financing risk of countermeasures parts. Points government level and enterprises own level are given respectively reduce Taizhou private enterpris



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