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深圳大学考试答题纸 (以论文、报告等形式考核专用) 二○一三~二 ○一四 学年度第 一 学期 课程编号 2307002101 课程名称 American Popular Culture 主讲教师 (F)Bradley C.Phillips() 评分 学 号 姓名 专业年级 教师评语: 题目: 2013-14 APC Final (100) Part I (60): Why did we watch “The Big Bang Theory”? Using the course vocabulary, explain why it is popular. Stereotype: Penny is a beautiful blonde women who has a high EQ and low IQ. She was a cheer leader when in high school and her boyfriend was in football team at that time. Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Rajesh are scientists who all have a high IQ and low EQ. They all love comic book and science fiction film such as Star Trek. So, as fandom, they are all immature, childish, and nerds. Using course theory and vocabulary explain Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me.” Formula: Standardized “You Belong With Me” is sung by Taylor Swift. It describe the thought of a girl who loves a boy in secret that she wants the boy know she loves him and is the most suitable person to him. The time of the song is 3 minutes and 48 seconds. It is suitable to popular song. It uses instruments such as guitar, drum and horn. Promote passive listening: Promote passive listening- repetitive, such as “You belong with me”. A sense of identity: It makes people have a sense of identity that they also can pursuit their true love. Explain the popularity and meaning of Pink’s “Stupid Girls”? The music video “Stupid Girls” shows Pink as an angel and a demon who try to influence the future of a young girl. The angel shows her a series of images demonstrating the stupidity of current trends in female celebrity, however, after a progress of thinking, Pink came to her real life and the movie ends with the girl choosing a football (fitness), a computer (work), books (knowledge and adequate education), dance shoes (love), and a keyboard (leisure) over makeup (vanity) and a set of dolls (children) as she wants a normal life and the images are too overwhelming for her; the demon is defeated. Formula:


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