中医急诊学 - 南方医科大学.doc

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中医急诊学 - 南方医科大学

南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 中医急诊学 (Emergency of Chinese Medicine) 适用专业:中医学专业 执 笔 人:周迎春 审 定 人:谢 炜 学院负责人:吕志平 南方医科大学教务处 二○○六年十二月 课程编号:B020057 一、课程简介 《中医急诊学》是运用中医药理论和现代科技手段研究急、危、重症的发生、发展变化规律和诊疗技术、救护措施的一门跨学科、跨专业的临床学科。 本课程是中医专业的临床专业课。教学目的是使学生获得系统的中医急诊基础理论知识和常用急救的基本诊疗技能,具备基本的急诊素质,能够独立运用中医药的理论和方法解决临床常见急、危、重症。 本课程既与基础医学和临床医学紧密相连,起着承前启后的作用,又有自身的理论体系和鲜明的时代特点。在教学上不仅要讲授中医急诊理论,突出中医急救原则与救护措施,还要拓展中医的望、闻、问、切诊视野,吸收国内外必威体育精装版诊疗、监护急救技术,采取理论与实践相结合的教学方法,以期提高学生实际急诊诊疗技能。 本课程主要内容,分上篇、下篇和附录。上篇主要介绍中医急诊学的概念、源流,学习中医急诊学的方法和要求,中医急症的临床特点、病因病机概要、诊断与辨证要点及常用治则与治法。下篇主要介绍常见急危重症的中医急救。简述病证名称、病象、病位、病性、病因病机、古今相关理论等,扼要介绍本病的权变法、预防与调护。重点叙述诊断、鉴别诊断、论治原则与急救处理。其间包括实习、实地讲授等。附录为常用诊疗技术及中药方剂索引。总学时30学时。其中理论课20学时,见习、实验10学时。 Course brief introduction Emergency of Chinese Medicine is a clinic subject using the theories of TCM and modern scientific means to study the happening, developing and changing rules of critical and serious syndromes and its diagnosis and treat methods. This course is clinic lessons for TCM specialty. The teaching purpose of this course is to make the student mast the systemic and basic theories of chinese medecine emergency and the common first-aid diagnosis and treat skills, and can use the theories and methods to solve ordinary critical and Serious syndrome independently. This course is not only joined with basic medicine and clinic medicine, but also has its own system info and bright characteristic. In the class, we do not only impart the emergency theories, give prominence to chinese medicine emergency principle and rescue methods, also enlarge the range of the four diagnosis methods of TCM, which are inspection, hearing and smelling, inquiring and palpation. We also absorb the newest diagnosis and treat methods inside and outside the country and inosculate them with TCM theories to improve student’s actual clinic diagnosis and treat skills. This course has three main parts, including up book, below book and appendix. The up book introduces the concept, characteristic, character, task and developi


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