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本科毕业设计(论文) 假冒伪劣商品的治理问题分析 学院名称 经济管理学院 专业名称 工商管理 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 二〇一二年六月 假冒伪劣商品的治理问题分析 摘要:如今假冒伪劣产品在我国市场上的盛行,给我国经济发展造成了一定的影响。制假售假者肆意妄为,一些消费者贪图小便宜,积极购买,加上政府治理力度不够,假冒伪劣产品更加泛滥。假冒伪劣产品已经遍及到食品、药品、家用电器、农资等各种产品,不仅扰乱了良好的市场经济秩序,给人民的生活以及工农业带来了极大的损害。为了广大人民群众的利益,打击假冒伪劣产品的行为势在必行,市场经济的有序发展,关系到人民生活水平。本文首先对假冒伪劣商品的现状进行了广泛的剖析,从其发展角度将近几年来的假冒伪劣大事件做了一个简单的陈述。本文先从假冒伪劣商品的产生入手,分析假冒伪劣商品的现状和出现的原因,再针对原因做出的一系列的治理措施,最后提出了一些自己的看法与观点。 关键词:假冒伪劣商品;原因;治理; Fake and inferior commodities management problem analysis Abstract:Nowadays fake inferior commodities in the market of our country is prevailing, it has caused certain effect to Chinas economic development.The manufacture and sale of counterfeit goods, do what one wishes without restraint, some consumers covet petty gain, buying, and the government management strength is insufficient, fake and inferior commodities more flooding.Fake and inferior commodities has spread to the food, medicine, household electrical appliances, agricultural and other products, not only disrupted the good order of the market economy, peoples living and industry and agriculture has brought tremendous damage.To the interests of the masses, the fight against fake and inferior commodities behavior be imperative, the orderly development of market economy, matter to peoples standard of living.This paper first on the fake and inferior commodities current situation undertook extensive analysis, from the angle of the development of the past few years fake event do a simple statement.This paper starts from the fake and inferior commodities to produce proceed with, analysis of fake and inferior commodities current situation and the reasons, and for reasons made a series of management measures, finally put forward some own views and perspectives. Keywords: fake and inferior commodities; Reason; Management; 目录 引言 1 一、假冒伪劣商品的现状及危害 1 (一)假冒伪劣大事件 1 1、08年三鹿奶粉事件 1 2、09年假冒伪劣药品事件 2 3、10年超市假冒伪劣销售事件 3 4、11年达芬奇造假事件 3 (二)假冒伪劣的特征 4 1、出现的规模大、危害严重 4 2、涉及的范围广、肆意蔓


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