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Ξ 关于中国的亚热带 杨勤业 , 郑度 , 吴绍洪 (中国科学院 地理科学与资源研究所 , 北京 100101) 摘要 : 本文阐述了中国亚热带的 6 个基本特点 , 亚热带北界和南界的划分问题 , 生态过渡带和 亚热带划分的方法论 , 综合区划研究的必要性与重要性 , 以及尚需深入研究的若干重要自然地 理界线问题 . 认为中国的亚热带从广义上说也是一个生态过渡带. 深入研究中国亚热带形成的 机制及其成因和演变趋势 , 将有利于整个亚热带的区域可持续发展. 目前亚热带划分所用的指 标比较初始 、简略 , 亚热带的东部与西部所采用的指标也不完全一致 , 还需要经过艰苦的探 索 , 提出一个既能反映客观实际 , 又能与国际研究接轨的较好方案 . 在亚热带的划分中需要加 强新技术和新方法的应用 . 关键词 : 亚热带 ; 基本特征 ; 界线划分 ; 中国 中图分类号 : P94112 文献识别码 : A 文章编号 : 1673 - 7105 (2006) 01 - 0001 - 10 On Subtropical Zone of China YAN G Qin2ye , ZHEN G Du , WU Shao2ho ng ( Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100101 , China) Abstract : In this paper , six basic features of the subtropical zone in China were generalized. It also dis2 cussed issues such as the delimitation of the zone?s southern and northern boundary lines , the methodology about the delimitations of ecologically transitional belts and subtropical zone , the necessity and importance of integrated zoning , and some key problems regarding physical geographical boundary lines. It was be2 lieved in the paper that in a broad sense , Chinese subtropical zone itself could be considered as an ecologi2 cally transitional belt . The authors pointed out that the deep research into the formation mechanism as well as the changing trends of Chinese subtropical zone will facilitate the regional sustainability of the whole sub2 tropical area . Another problem is that the current index system to delimitate the subtropical zone is rather primary and simple , and the index applied in the eastern part is even inconsistent with that of the western part. As far as the delimitation of subtropical zone is concerned , further hard explorations are needed to propose a delimitation system that can not only objectively reflects the real world , but also be consistent with related mainstream international researches. Furthermore , it is of great importance to emplo


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