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“田家”农产品网络交易平台开发 摘要:我国一个农业大国,农业是我国基础产业,农产品资源丰富,品种繁多,分布广泛,但也正因为这些特点,使得很多农户和经营者在农产品生产及销售上存在着信息不对称等诸多问题。近年来,网络购物已经成为潮流,越来越多的人开始注重将电子商务应用到农产品的交易中。。Design of Internet Trading Platform of ‘TianJia’ Abstract:griculture, and agriculture is the basic industry of our country. China is rich in agricultural resources what are widely distributed in China. However many farmers and operators have asymmetric information in the agricultural production and sale. In recent years, online shopping has become to be a trend, more and more people had forced themselves on the agricultural mode of e-commerce transactions. At present, the domestic agricultural e-commerce applications are mostly in the form of information publishing platform, it can not content the truly virtual trading of agricultural products. This system bases on the B/S pattern, uses ASP to take the main development language, builds the main frame with Dreamweaver, and uses Microsoft Access as the back database. The system is divided into foreground and background sub-function module, the foreground including the user login module, agricultural information module, agricultural news show module, online purchasing and trading information feedback module; The background including the customer information management, agricultural information management,news management, message management and orders management modules. These functional modules, not only open up a broader market for farmers, but also strengthened the communication between the farmers, suppliers and demand, so the trading platform will brought a new opportunity to agricultural markets. Key words:Internet trading platformASP; Microsoft Access; B/S Structure 目 录 摘要 I Abstract Ⅱ 1.前 言 1 1.1平台开发的背景 1 1.2平台设计意义和价值 1 1.3平台设计的总体思路和方法 1 1.4农产品电子商务研究现状 2 2.平台分析 4 2.1农产品电子商务应用存在的问题 4 2.2设计需求分析 4 2.3可行性分析 5 2.4网络平台功能分析 6 3.平台设计 11 3.1总体设计 11 3.2 平台功能模块设计 12 3.3 数据库设计 12 3.4 代码设计 15 4.系统详细设计 17 4.1 Logo设计 17 4.2导航设计 17 4.3前台功能模块设计 17 4.4后台功能模块设计 23 5.系统测试 25 结束语 27 参考


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