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辽宁省高等教育自学考试 公司管理 专业(本科段) 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计题目: 宁波中远国际货运有限公司培训研究 摘 要 知识经济迅速发展的今天,企业间的竞争已成为企业人才的竞争。惟有重视员工培训的进行,不断增加对员工培训的各项投入,企业才能在人才与知识的激烈竞争中塑造优势、保持实力,有效地实现企业发展目标。 本文通过对企业员工培训的研究和探讨,详细分析了员工培训活动的整个动作过程,论文针对培训活动中涉及的培训需求评估,培训计划的制定、培训活动的组织与实施以及培训效果评估作了深入研究。本文以宁波中远国际货运有限公司的员工培训为实证,研究时采用理论与实践相结合,定性与定量分析方法相结合,从而实现结论的合理性、真实性和客观性。最后,论文详细介绍了新科技在员工培训活动中的应用,并且对中国企业的员工培训在未来的发展趋势作了相应预测和分析。 本文运用科学客观的方法对企业员工培训进行深入分析和研究,期间所用到的理论和分析方法可作为企业组织员工培训活动的参考资料。 关键词:企业培训 有效性 培训转化 Abstract With the rapid development of knowledge economy, the competition between enterprises today has become the enterprise talent competition. But the heavyDepending on the staff training, and increase the input of employee training, enterprise can in talents and knowledgeIn the fierce competition advantage, keep the strength, effectively realize enterprise development goals. This paper discussed the research and training of staff and detailed analysis of the whole staff training activitiesAction process, the paper training activities involving the training needs assessment and training plan, training The organization and implementation as well as training effectiveness evaluation for the study. Taking ningbo cosco international freight Co., LTD, staff trainingFor empirical research, by combining theory with practice, the qualitative and quantitative analysis method, which combined Now the rationality of the conclusion, authenticity and objectivity. Finally, the paper introduces in detail the new technology trainingActivities of China, and the application of enterprise staff training in the future development trends and the corresponding predictionAnalysis. Using the methods of scientific objectivity of enterprise staff training, further analysis and research during useThe theory analysis and organizational training activities as the reference material. Keywords:Corporate Training Validity Training transformation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 引言 1 1.1研究的背景 1 1.2研究的目的 1 1.3研究的方法 2 第二章 有关培训理论综述 3 2.1员工培训


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