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Moisture Sensitive Device(MSD) Process Control Purpose 空气中的水分會通過滲透進入一般性包裝材料.利用表面裝貼技術將SMD物料 焊接到PCB過程中,SMD物料會接触到超過200°C 的高溫. 高溫回流時, 濕气迅速膨脹, 材料配合不當以及材料表面降級會使SMD物料斷裂和分層.MSD控制指對不同潮濕 等級的MSD物料的搬運,包裝,運輸和使用進行標準方法控制,以免物料受潮而高溫回 流導致优率及可靠性下降. Procedures Sites are required to conform to the specifications of J-STD-033A and be aware of the information contained in J-STD-020C.(CELESTICA) The following procedures are described in this document and represent the basic processes that shall be maintained and controlled for MSD’s. 1.Receiving Inspection 2.Storage 3.post Exposure to Factory Ambient 4.Board Rework 5.Reuse of material 6. Audit Requirements Reference Doc of CELESTICA J-STD-033A : A joint standard developed by the JEDEC and IPC about handling, Packing, shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface . 由JEDEC和IPC共同制定的有关潮湿敏感SMD物料的搬运,包装,运输和使用标准 J-STD-020 : Moisture Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices . 非密封固态SMD装置的湿敏性分类. Reference Doc of CDG CELQ-029-PROC-510 Handling Procedure For Dry Packing Component 干燥包装物料的操作程序 CELQ-029-PROC-56 Procedure for ICs, PCBs and PCBAs Moisture Control and Baking . MSD物料, PCB, PCBA的焗烤和湿度控制的工序 Scope for MSD IC, BGA handling, packing, shipping use IC搬運,包裝,運輸和使用 J-STD-033A Assembly processes: mass reflow, localized heating ( board rework) ,高溫回流,局部 加热(PCBA返工) 有關術語和定義 MSD: Moisture Sensitive Devices 潮濕敏感裝置 SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面裝貼裝置 (Active) Desiccant 干燥劑 HIC: Humidity Indicator Card 濕度指示卡 MBB: Moisture Barrier Bag 防潮袋 Floor Life 允許暴露時間 Shelf Life 保存期限 MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level 潮濕敏感等級 RH: relative humidity相對濕度 相對濕度是指在特定溫度下空氣中的水氣相對這個溫度下空氣所能包含的最大水氣量的比率, 用百分比表示. Key Requirements Receiving Inspection Purpose Components shall be received in a controlled environment for Temperature and Humidity with proper identification?. Procedure Components must be receiv


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