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Opto-Electronic Engineering2014 年 10 月Oct, 2014文章编号:1003-501X(2014)10-0032-06Schmidt 棱镜偏振像差的校正卢进军,董钦佩,杨凯,孙雪平,朱维兵( 西安工业大学 光电工程学院,西安 710021 )摘要:为了校正 Schmidt 棱镜的偏振像差,消除双像和鬼影像现象,根据棱镜 Jones 矩阵 B 因子与衍射光强的关系,推导出 B 因子与屋脊面反射相移差 δ 之间的关系,明确了消除偏振像差,要求 B=0 需要屋脊面反射相移差 δ=π 的条件。采用在屋脊面镀制相位膜的方案,对比了单层膜与多层膜的反射相移差特性,得到了在可见光区实现宽 波段消除偏振像差的膜系特性;证明了 B=0 是一条可以同时校正所有不同偏振状态入射光偏振像差的有效技术途 径。实验镀制了屋脊面相位膜样品,进行了多种入射光偏振状态下的偏振像差检测,得到了很好的消偏振像差结 果。关键词:Schmidt 棱镜;相移差;偏振像差;相位膜中图分类号:O436.3文献标志码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2014.10.006Correction of Schmidt Prism by Polarizing AberrationLU Jinjun,DONG Qinpei,YANG Kai,SUN Xueping,ZHU Weibing( School of Optoelectronics of Xian Technological University, Xi’an 710021, China )Abstract: In order to correct the polarization aberration of Schmidt prism and eliminate the double image and the ghostimage, we derive the relationship between the factor B of the Jones matrix and the diffraction intensity. According to our derivation, the relationship between the factor B and the reflection phase shift δ on the roof surface is got. And the condition to eliminate the polarization aberration is to make the reflection phase shift δ=π clear. We will coat the phase film on the roof surface and we compare the characters of reflection phase shift between the single film and multilayer film and the characteristics for eliminating the polarization aberration in the visible region are achieved. An effective technical way to correct the polarization aberration about every polarization state B=0 is proved to be true. We have coated the samples and tested the polarization aberration of every incident polarization state. The experimental results have a good agreement with the theoretical result.Key words: Schmidt prism; phase shift difference; polarization aberration; phase film0引言偏振效应对光学系统成像质量的影响已经得到广泛的重视[1]。偏振效应造成的偏振像差现象在大数值孔径光学系统、光刻光学系统[2]、薄膜器件[3]和含有屋脊棱镜的望远系统[4]中对成像质量的影响超出了早期 的预期[5-6]。在大数值孔径和光刻光学系统中,针对偏振像差的分析大多采用泡利泽尼克多项式展开[7],而校正则采用类似于传统像差校正的方法[8],或者直接采取线偏振光照明的措施。屋脊棱镜的偏振像差现象 是:自然光经


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