The_Rest_of_Elias’story final.ppt

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The_Rest_of_Elias’story final

①Some gas is ________ _____ the pipe. 煤气管在漏气。 ②A lion has _______ _____ its cage. 有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。 ③The boy longed to _______ _____ his mother’s domination. 这男孩渴望摆脱母亲的操纵。 escaping from escaped from escape from ② I’ve met her before, but her name _______ me. 我以前见过她,但她名字我忘记了。 ③ He tried to ________ punishment. 他设法躲避惩罚。 ④ Where can we go to ________ the crowds? 我们到哪里才能避开这些人群? escapes escape escape ① Nothing _________ his attention. 任何东西逃不过他的注意。 escaped He narrowly escaped _____ _________. 他险些被溺死。 There is no way to ______ ______ the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。 being drowned escape doing * * * the prison on Robben Island 罗宾岛是座落在开普顿桌山海湾中的一个小岛。从上世纪初期起,这里就是南非人权和政治的一个焦点。小岛最早为流放麻风病人的隔离地,在这里发生了无数人间的生离死别。种族隔离期间,这里是闻名世界的政治犯监狱。今日南非之父曼德拉就在这个小岛上被关押苦役过十八年之久。小岛现在已经改建成了一个博物馆,导游大多为当年关押在这里的政治犯担任。从这里可以远眺衬托了桌山背景的开普顿。 * Could you imagine the life of Mandela and Elias in prison. Find some words to describe it. Warming up----Brainstorming (2m) Hard, terrible, miserable, sad… read the text in two minutes and answer the following two questions: (1)What did Elias do when he was in prison? Reading I----scanning (2m) (2) Finally ,what did Elias take as his job? Did he enjoy it? (1)What did Elias do when he was in prison? He studied and was taught by Nelson Mandela when he was in prison. Reading I----scanning (2m) (2) Finally ,what did Elias take as his job? Did he enjoy it? Why? His job was taking the tourists round his old prison, at first he didnt enjoy his job but later he was proud to do this. skimming(5mins) 1. As leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by ________ . A. giving them edu


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