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SH IP ENGINEERINGVol. 31 Supp lement2009船 舶 工 程 总第 31卷 ,2009年增刊多功能海上溢油处理装置设计封培元 ,史琪琪,王磊(上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室 ,上海200240)摘 要 : 随着海上石油开采规模的日趋扩大 ,海上溢油事故频发,已成为目前急待解决的热点问题.传统的海上溢油处理装置效率低下 、系统性差 、应变能力弱.对此提出了一种新型多功能海上溢油处理装 置,采用创新的堰吸式浮油收集方法、多层次一体化油水分离系统、新颖的外漂式浮油储存携带系统等,结 合多套处理策略 ,不但能高效 、周全地应对不同的溢油情况 ,还在装置中融入了节能环保的新创意.文章介 绍了装置的设计思路和关键设备的参数,并对核心技术问题进行了具体阐述.关键词 : 海上溢油处理 ; 堰吸式收集 ; 油水分离系统 ;外漂存储中图分类号 :X55文献标识码 :A文章编号:100528354(2009)esign of multi2functiona l dev ice forcollectingand trea ting sp illed o il atseaFEN G Pei2yuan, SH IQ i2q i, WANGLei( Shanghai J iao tong University State Key Laborato ry of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai 200240,China)Abstract: As the globally oil2explora tion scale at sea enlarges year by yea r, the num ber of oil2spilling accidentsis also soaring, which have caused a lot of environm ental and ecological problem s and have becom e a hotissueurgent to be solved. Traditional facilities for trea ting spilled oil at sea have great disadvantages such as loweffi2 ciency, poor system aticness and weak f lexibility. So a new type of m ulti2functiona l device for collectingandtrea ting spilled oil at sea has been brought up. This device adopts not only an innovative weir2and2suctionoil2 collecting m ethod, an in tegrated m ulti2level oil2w ater separation system and a creative outboard oil storagesys2tem , but also several working strategies to treat different kind of oil spill incidents both efficiently and thorough2ly. Additionally, environm ental protection and energy saving notions are also the highlight of the device. This paper introduces the design concepts of th is new device, presents the param eters of critica l com ponents andelabo2 ra tes the key technical problems.Key words: trea tm ent for oil2spilling at sea; weir2and2suction collecting m ethod; oil2w ater separation; out2 boardstorage1 绪论随着全球经济和工业的不断发展,人类对能源的 需求日增.陆上石油的开发殆尽使海洋石油开采得到 了空前的发展. 然而 ,由此间接导致的海上溢油事故 变得越发频繁,已成为海洋环境保护关注的焦点.海上溢油


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