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怎么给 ANSYS中模型的不同部分定义材料属性 ? 优质解答 选定需要修改材料属性的单元 , 然后按下述顺序找到 GUI 命令: preprocessor--modeling--move/modify--element--modify Attrib 在出现的对话框中选择需要修改的属性 , 可以修改很多属性的 . 选定修改材料属性的单元后 , 也可以使用 EMODIF命令修改: EMODIF命令的使用请参考 ANSYS使用帮助 . 用英文软件 , 正好可以锻炼一下 E 文 , 呵呵 EMODIF EMODIF, IEL, STLOC, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8 Modifies a previously defined element. PREP7: Elements MP ME ST PR PRN FL EM EH DY PP EME MFS IEL Modify nodes and/or attributes for element number IEL. If ALL, modify all selected elements [ESEL]. If IEL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignore d (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for IEL. STLOC Starting location (n) of first node to be modified or the attribute label. If n, modify elem ent node positions n, n+1, etc. (n = 1 to 20). For example, if STLOC = 1, I1 refers to the f irst node, I2, the second, etc. If STLOC = 9, I1 refers to the ninth node, I2, the tenth, et c. Attributes are also modified to the currently specified values (use -n to modify only nod es and not attributes). If zero, modify only the attributes to the currently specified value s. If MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, or SECNUM, modify only that attribute to the I1 value. I1, I2, I3, . . . , I8 Replace the previous node numbers assigned to this element with these corresponding values. A (blank) retains the previous value (except in the I1 field, which resets the STLOC node nu mber to zero). For attributes, replace the existing value with the I1 value (or the default if I1 is zero or blank).


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